• Smoltslep, utvandringsforsøk og registrering av tilbakevandret PIT-merket laksesmolt i Eidfjordvassdraget i perioden 2015-2019 

      Skår, Bjørnar; Skoglund, Helge; Barlaup, Bjørn Torgeir (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2020)
      Prosjektet med å styrke bestanden av laks i Eidfjordvassdraget har pågått over fire år med forsøkssmolt som har blitt slept og satt ut i fjordsystemet i 2015–2018, og med tre år med utsettingsforsøk i vassdraget i 2017–2019. ...
    • Snow avalanche detection using Sentinel-1 in Langtang, Nepal 

      Eckerstorfer, Markus; Grahn, Jakob (Research report, 2021)
      This report summarizes NORCE’s contribution to the snowAMP2-project where NVE and ICIMOD are working on cryospheric processes and hazards in the Langtang catchment in Nepal. We contribute with radar satellite-borne snow ...
    • Snowball Earth Bifurcations in a Fully-Implicit Earth System Model 

      Mulder, Thomas E.; Goelzer, Heiko; Wubs, Fred W.; Dijkstra, Henk A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      There is now much geological evidence that the Earth was fully glaciated during several periods in the geological past (about 700Myr ago) and attained a so-called Snowball Earth (SBE) state. Additional support for this ...
    • Snøskredaktivitet i Ramfjorden, Troms, 2014-2019 

      Eckerstorfer, Markus (Research report, 2019)
      Vi detekterte automatisk skred i Sentinel-1 radarsatellittdata i et definert område på ca. 9.5 km2 i Ramfjorden og Lavangsdalen, Tromsø kommune. Sentinel-1 data var tilgjengelig i perioden 2014-2019 og vi har lastet ned ...
    • Socio-economic analysis: Interreg Aurora 

      Teräs, Jukka Tapani; Myhr, Sindre; Nygaard, Vigdis (Research report, 2021)
      An expert work has been made by NORCE to prepare a socio-economic analysis of the Interreg Aurora Programme area for the period 2021-2027. The reporting of the work includes Part A (the main document) and Part B (this ...
    • Sommer i Folkehallene 

      Bjørnarå, Helga Birgit; Thorsteinsen, Kjærsti (Research report, 2023)
      Basert på besvarelser fra 1112 barn og 403 foresatte til yngre barn som besøkte Sommer i Folkehallene sommeren 2023, ser vi at flesteparten av barna deltar i faste fritidsaktiviteter og i sport/idrett, men med høyere ...
    • Sosial ulikhet i barn og unges deltakelse i organiserte fritidsaktiviteter 

      Jacobsen, Sigurd Eid; Andersen, Patrick Lie; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes; Sletten, Mira Aaboen; Arnesen, Daniel (Rapport fra Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor, Research report, 2021)
      Deltakelse i organiserte fritidsaktiviteter er for barn og ungdom en viktig kilde til fellesskap, identitet og mestring. Det er imidlertid grunn til å tro at sosioøkonomiske forskjeller fortsetter å gjøre seg gjeldende i ...
    • Sosioøkonomi, bystruktur og transportsystem i Bergen, i Trondheim og på Nord-Jæren. En komparativ gjennomgang av ulike bymessige kjennetegn og deres betydning for bærekraftig transport. 

      Leknes, Einar; Bayer, Stian Brosvik; Krogstad, Julie Runde; Pritchard, Ray (Research report, 2021)
      Denne rapporten beskriver og sammenligner en rekke karakteristika eller bakgrunnsvariabler som kan ha betydning innbyggernes reisemiddelvalg og for muligheten til å oppnå bærekraftig mobilitet. Rapporten tar for seg ...
    • Sources, Composition, and Export of Particulate Organic Matter Across British Estuaries 

      García-Martín, E. Elena; Sanders, Richard; Evans, Chris D.; Kitidis, Vassilis; Lapworth, Dan J.; Spears, Bryan M.; Tye, Andy; Williamson, Jennifer L.; Balfour, Chris; Best, Mike; Bowes, Michael; Breimann, Sarah; Brown, Ian J.; Burden, Annette; Callaghan, Nathan; Dise, Nancy B.; Farr, Gareth; Felgate, Stacey L.; Fishwick, James; Fraser, Mike; Gibb, Stuart; Gilbert, Pete J.; Godsell, Nina; Gomez-Castillo, Africa P.; Hargreaves, Geoff; Harris, Carolyn; Jones, Oban; Kennedy, Paul; Lichtschlag, Anna; Martin, Adrian P.; May, Rebecca; Mawji, Edward; Mounteney, Ian; Nightingale, Philip D.; Olszewska, Justyna P.; Painter, Stuart C.; Pearce, Christopher R.; Pereira, M. Glória; Peel, Kate; Pickard, Amy; Stephens, John A.; Stinchcombe, Mark; Thornton, Barry; Woodward, E. Malcolm S.; Yarrow, Deborah; Mayor, Daniel J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Estuaries receive and process a large amount of particulate organic carbon (POC) prior to its export into coastal waters. Studying the origin of this POC is key to understanding the fate of POC and the role of estuaries ...
    • Southern ocean carbon and heat impact on climate 

      Sallée, J.B.; Abrahamsen, E.P.; Allaigre, C.; Auger, M.; Ayres, H.; Badhe, R.; Boutin, J.; Brearley, J.A.; De Lavergne, Lavergne; Ten Doeschate, Doeschate; Droste, E.S.; Du Plessis, Plessis; Ferreira, D.; Giddy, I.S.; Gülk, B.; Gruber, N.; Hague, M.; Hoppema, M.; Josey, S.A.; Kanzow, T.; Kimmritz, Madlen; Lindeman, M.R.; Llanillo, P.J.; Lucas, N.S.; Madec, G.; Marshall, D.P.; Meijers, A.J.S.; Meredith, M.P.; Mohrmann, M.; Monteiro, P.M.S.; Mosneron Dupin, Dupin; Naeck, K.; Narayanan, A.; Naveira Garabato, Garabato; Nicholson, S.-A.; Novellino, A.; Ödalen, M.; Østerhus, Svein; Park, W.; Patmore, R.D.; Piedagnel, E.; Roquet, F.; Rosenthal, H.S.; Roy, T.; Saurabh, R.; Silvy, Y.; Spira, T.; Steiger, Nadine; Styles, A.F.; Swart, S.; Vogt, L.; Ward, B.; Zhou, S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Southern Ocean greatly contributes to the regulation of the global climate by controlling important heat and carbon exchanges between the atmosphere and the ocean. Rates of climate change on decadal timescales are ...
    • Southern Ocean sea surface temperature synthesis: Part 1. Evaluation of temperature proxies at glacial-interglacial time scales 

      Chandler, David Matthew; Langebroek, Petra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Quaternary interglacial climates are often used as analogues for how the Antarctic Ice Sheet will respond to future climate warming. Southern Ocean marine sediments provide an important paleoclimate archive in this respect. ...
    • Southern Ocean sea surface temperature synthesis: Part 2. Penultimate glacial and last interglacial 

      Chandler, David Matthew; Langebroek, Petra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The last interglacial (LIG: ∼130 to 115 thousand years before present) is often used as an analogue for near-future climate warming. Antarctic Ice Sheet response to LIG warming is of particular interest, because of its ...
    • Spatial extent of precipitation events: when big is getting bigger 

      Matte, Dominic; Christensen, Jens Hesselbjerg; Ozturk, Tugba (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Using a sub-selection of regional climate models at 0.11° ( 12 km) grid resolution from the EURO-CORDEX ensemble, we investigate how the spatial extent of areas associated with the most intensive daily precipitation events ...
    • Spatial patterns of arctic sponge ground fauna and demersal fish are detectable in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) imagery 

      Meyer, Heidi Kristina; Roberts, Emyr Martyn; Rapp, Hans Tore; Davies, Andrew J (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Deep-sea sponge grounds are important habitats that provide several ecosystem services, yet relatively little is known about their distribution and ecology. While most surveys have focused on the broad-scale distribution ...
    • Spatio-temporal visual learning for home-based monitoring 

      Djenouri, Youcef; Belbachir, Nabil; Cano, Alberto; Belhadi, Asma (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This paper introduces a novel concept for Home-based Monitoring (HM) that enables robust analysis and understanding of activities towards improved caring and safety. Spatio-Temporal Visual Learning for HM (STVL-HM) is a ...
    • Spatiotemporal variability of soil moisture over Ethiopia and its teleconnections with remote and local drivers 

      Jimma, Tamirat B.; Demissie, Teferi Dejene; Diro, Gulilat T.; Ture, Kassahun; Terefe, Tadesse; Solomon, Dawit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Soil moisture is one of the essential climate variables with a potential impact on local climate variability. Despite the importance of soil moisture, studies on soil moisture characteristics in Ethiopia are less documented. ...
    • Spectral Clustering with Graph Neural Networks for Graph Pooling 

      Bianchi, Filippo Maria; Grattarola, Daniele; Alippi, Cesare (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Spectral clustering (SC) is a popular clustering technique to find strongly connected communities on a graph. SC can be used in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to implement pooling operations that aggregate nodes belonging ...
    • Spread Spectrum Modulation with Grassmannian Constellations for Mobile Multiple Access Underwater Acoustic Channels 

      Bernard, Christophe; Bouvet, Pierre-Jean; Tomasi, Beatrice (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The objective of this study is to evaluate Grassmannian constellations combined with a spread spectrum multiple access scheme for underwater acoustic mobile multiple access communication systems. These communication systems ...
    • Spreading or Gathering? Can Traditional Knowledge be a Resource to Tackle Reindeer Diseases Associated with Climate Change? 

      Riseth, Jan Åge; Tømmervik, Hans; Tryland, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This paper inquires whether reindeer herders’ traditional knowledge (TK) provides a reservoir of precaution and adaptation possibilities that may be relevant to counteract climate change. As our core example, we used the ...