Now showing items 455-474 of 1636

    • Evaluating an integrated care pathway for frail elderly patients in Norway using multi-criteria decision analysis 

      Islam, Kamrul; Ruths, Sabine; Jansen, Kristian; Falck, Runa; Rutten-van Mölken, Maureen; Askildsen, Jan Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background To provide value-based care for patients with multi-morbidity, innovative integrated care programmes and comprehensive evaluations of such programmes are required. In Norway, a new programme called “Holistic ...
    • Evaluating Complex Health and Social Care Program Using Multi-criteria Decision Analysis: A Case Study of “Better Together in Amsterdam North” 

      Karimi, Milad; van der Zwaan, Lennart; Islam, Kamrul; van Genabeek, Joost; Rutten-van Mölken, Maureen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Objectives Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) has been recommended to support policy making in healthcare. However, practical applications of MCDA are sparse. One potential use for MCDA is for the evaluation of programs ...
    • Evaluating the biological pump efficiency of the Last Glacial Maximum ocean using d13C 

      Morée, Anne; Schwinger, Jörg; Ninnemann, Ulysses S; Jeltsch-Thommes, Aurich; Bethke, Ingo; Heinze, Christoph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Although both physical and biological marine changes are required to explain the 100 ppm lower atmospheric pCO2 of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ∼21 ka) as compared to preindustrial (PI) times, their exact contributions ...
    • Evaluating the large-scale hydrological cycle response within the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2 (PlioMIP2) ensemble 

      Han, Zixuan; Zhang, Qiong; Li, Qiang; Feng, Ran; Haywood, Alan M.; Tindall, Julia C.; Hunter, Stephen J.; Otto-Bliesner, Bette L.; Brady, Esther C.; Rosenbloom, Nan; Zhang, Zhongshi; Li, Xiangyu; Guo, Chuncheng; Nisancioglu, Kerim Hestnes; Stepanek, Christian; Lohmann, Gerrit; Sohl, Linda E.; Chandler, Mark A.; Tan, Ning; Ramstein, Gilles; Baatsen, Michiel L. J.; Von Der Heydt, Anna S.; Chandan, Deepak; Peltier, W. Richard; Williams, Charles J. R.; Lunt, Daniel J.; Cheng, Jianbo; Wen, Qin; Burls, Natalie J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The mid-Pliocene (∼3 Ma) is one of the most recent warm periods with high CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and resulting high temperatures, and it is often cited as an analog for near-term future climate change. Here, ...
    • Evaluation of brewer's spent grain-derived lignocellulosic hydrolysate as a feedstock for amino acid production by submerged fermentation 

      Karlsen, Freja Manø Busk; Skov, Peter V.; Boccadoro, Catherine; Gaykawad, Sushil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study evaluated the potential of utilizing a lignocellulosic hydrolysate from brewer’s spent grain (BSG) as a substrate for amino acid (AA) production by submerged fermentation. The main objective was to explore AA ...
    • Evaluation of eight global precipitation datasets in hydrological modeling 

      Xiang, Yiheng; Chen, Jie; Li, Lu; Peng, Tao; Yin, Zhiyuan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The number of global precipitation datasets (PPs) is on the rise and they are commonly used for hydrological applications. A comprehensive evaluation on their performance in hydrological modeling is required to improve ...
    • Evaluation of genetic effects on wild salmon populations from stock enhancement 

      Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ugedal, Ola; Jensen, Arne Johan; Lo, Håvard; Holthe, Espen; Bjøru, Bjørn; Florø-Larsen, Bjørn; Sægrov, Harald; Skoglund, Helge; Karlsson, Sten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Many salmonid populations are of conservation concern, and the release of hatchery-produced juveniles is a frequently used measure to alleviate declines and increase harvest opportunities. While such releases may be of ...
    • Evaluation of Multi-Satellite Precipitation Datasets and Their Error Propagation in Hydrological Modeling in a Monsoon-Prone Region 

      Chen, Jie; Li, ZiYi; Li, Lu; Wang, Jialing; Qi, Wenyan; Xu, Chong-Yu; Kim, Jong-Suk (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      This study comprehensively evaluates eight satellite-based precipitation datasets in streamflow simulations on a monsoon-climate watershed in China. Two mutually independent datasets—one dense-gauge and one gauge-interpolated ...
    • Evaluation of ocean dimethylsulfide concentration and emission in CMIP6 models 

      Bock, Josué; Michou, Martine; Nabat, Pierre; Abe, Manabu; Mulcahy, Jane P.; Oliviè, Dirk Jan Leo; Schwinger, Jörg; Suntharalingam, Parvadha; Tjiputra, Jerry; van Hulten, Marco Marinus Peter; Watanabe, Michio; Yool, Andrew; Séférian, Roland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Characteristics and trends of surface ocean dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations and fluxes into the atmosphere of four Earth system models (ESMs: CNRM-ESM2-1, MIROC-ES2L, NorESM2-LM, and UKESM1-0-LL) are analysed over the ...
    • Evaluation of safe operating envelope for CO2 injection under uncertain rock mechanical parameters and earth stresses 

      Nermoen, Anders; Shchipanov, Anton; Porzer, Michal Matloch; Šancer, Jindřich; Berenblyum, Roman (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a pre-requisite to decarbonize CO2 emissions from industrial sectors and as an industry capable of compensating for hard-to-abate emissions in a net zero scenario. A method was developed ...
    • Evaluering av Akuttprosjektet, tverretatlig akuttjeneste for barn og unge. Prosjektperiode 2016-2020. 

      Jentoft, Nina; Hellang, Øyvind; Gamperiene, Migle (Research report, 2021)
      Denne rapporten presenterer en evaluering av andre periode av prosjektet Tverretatlig akuttjeneste for barn og unge, Akuttprosjektet, i arene 2016-2020. Evalueringen har lagt spesiell vekt på å belyse måloppnaelse for ...
    • Evaluering av assistansebestemmelsen i valgloven 

      Selvik, Lisa-Marie; Christensen, Dag Arne; Ervik, Rune; Saglie, Jo; Erdvik, Irina Burchard; Blåka, Sara (Research report, 2024)
      Denne rapporten evaluerer praktiseringen av assistansebestemmelsen i valgloven, etter lovendringen i 2021. Hovedtemaer er valgmedarbeidernes og velgernes kjennskap til og erfaringer med assistansebestemmelsen. Datamaterialet ...
    • Evaluering av kurset DesignMEG 

      Kjenes Arnesen, Siv Merete; Espegren, Astrid (Research report, 2021)
      Denne studien har fulgt og evaluert erfaringene til minoritetsspråklige ansatte (deltakere) og deres avdelingsledere med kurset DesignMEG. Økt kunnskap om hvordan kurset erfares er sentralt før kurset eventuelt rulles ut ...
    • Evaluering av prosjektet Energihovedstaden 2021/2022 

      Fjelldal, Øystein Martin; Blomgren, Atle (Research report, 2023)
      Stavangerregionen har et næringsliv som er tett knyttet til olje- og energibransjen, noe som gir både muligheter og utfordringer. Koronaepidemien våren 2020 viste regionens sårbarhet for svingninger i petroleumsnæringen ...
    • Evaluering av samarbeidet mellom NAV og helsetjenesten om Individuell jobbstøtte (IPS) 

      Fyhn, Tonje; Øygarden, Olaug; Monstad, Karin; Skagseth, Martin (Research report, 2021)
      Prosjektet «Evaluering av samhandlingen mellom NAV og helsetjenesten i samarbeidet om Individuell jobbstøtte (IPS)» har blitt utført mellom slutten av september 2020 og slutten av april 2021, på oppdrag fra Arbeids- og ...
    • Evaluering av samiske språksentre 

      Nygaard, Vigdis; Balto, Aila Marge Varsi; Solstad, Marit; Solstad, Karl Jan (Norut Alta Rapport, Research report, 2012)
      Samiske språksentre er viktige samiske institusjoner i en rekke samiske lokalsamfunn. De bidrar til å styrke kompetansen i samisk språk og kultur, skaper språkarenaer, og kan virke identitetsskapende for den samiske ...
    • Evaluering av utførte habitattiltak i Teigdalselva 

      Gabrielsen, Sven-Erik; Skår, Bjørnar (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2022)
      Habitattiltak er vassdragsspesifikke og hvilke tiltak som er best egnet må baseres på identifiserte flaksehalser i det enkelte vassdrag. I Teigdalselva forelå det god dokumentasjon på at det på store arealer i den øvre ...
    • The evolution of the Fram Strait sea ice volume export decomposed by age: estimating with parameter-optimized sea ice-ocean model outputs 

      Yang, Yijun; Min, Chao; Luo, Hao; Kauker, Frank; Ricker, Robert; Yang, Qinghua (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Sea ice export through the Fram Strait is crucial in the dynamic evolution of Arctic sea ice and can further modulate Arctic sea ice mass balance as well as the ocean thermohaline circulation. In this study, based on outputs ...
    • Expected climate change consequences and their role in explaining individual risk judgments 

      Gregersen, Thea Johansen; Doran, Rouven; Bøhm, Gisela Petra; Pfister, Hans-Rudiger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study examines what individuals expect will be the most important impacts of climate change on their respective countries, and how these expectations relate to individual risk judgments. Open-ended responses from ...
    • Experiences and Needs of Multicultural Youth and Their Mentors, and Implications for Digital Mentoring Platforms: Qualitative Exploratory Study 

      Radlick, Rebecca Lynn; Mirkovic, Jelena; Przedpelska, Sarah Mathisen; Brendmo Halvorsen, Elanor; Gammon, Barbara Deede (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background: Mentoring programs (programs that connect youth with adult volunteers) have been shown to improve outcomes across the behavioral, social, and academic domains. As in other European countries, mentoring programs ...