Browsing Uni Research Rokkansenteret by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 321
Lærlingeordning eller skolebasert utdanning i pleie- og omsorgsfagene?
(1-2002, Working paper, 2002-04) -
Rome – a Temporary Deaf City! Deaflympics 2001
(2-2003, Working paper, 2002-06)The texts in this publication, Rome – a Temporary Deaf City, is based on fieldwork done in Rome, the summer of 2001, where the quadrennial Deaf World Games were held (now called Deaflympics). This fieldwork is the first ... -
Roma – en midlertidig døv by! Deaflympics 2001
(3-2002, Working paper, 2002-06)Tekstene i denne publikasjonen, Roma – en midlertidig døv by, bygger på feltarbeid i Roma, sommeren 2001, hvor de Døves verdenslekene (Deaflympics) ble avholdt. Dette feltarbeidet er det første i en rekke med feltarbeid i ... -
Keeping Nurses at Work: A Duration Analysis
(6-2002, Working paper, 2002-06)A shortage of nurses is currently a problem in several countries, and an important question is therefore how one can increase the supply of nursing labour. In this paper we focus on the issue of nurses leaving the public ... -
Fritt sykehusvalg. En teoretisk analyse av konkurranse i det norske sykehusmarkedet
(5-2002, Working paper, 2002-06)Upon the introduction of free choice of hospitals in January 2001, an internal market was formed among the public hospitals in Norway. The hospitals can attract patients through various means. Several studies show that the ... -
Spiller det noen rolle? - om hverdagen på nye og gamle sykehjem
(4-2002, Working paper, 2002-06)Does it matter? – everyday life in new and old nursing homes: Public care for the elderly in Norway is restructured in attempts to make their services more efficient. The goal is to fulfil the needs and wishes of the elderly ... -
Mål- og resultatstyring gjennom statlige budsjettreformer
(7-2002, Working paper, 2002-07)The application of the principles of accounting for results in financial management reforms in Norwegian central government in the 1980s and 1990s is discussed in this paper. This discussion is based on two studies of how ... -
Tid, situasjonisme og institusjonell utakt i systemer
(8-2002, Working paper, 2002-07)Time, Situationalism and Institutional Asynchronism in Systems: The article discuss the relationship between time and situationalism, institutions and systems, with the classic question of social change as an undercurrent ... -
Samspillet mellom frivillig organisering og demokrati: Teoretiske argument og empirisk dokumentasjon
(Working paper, Working paper, 2002-08) -
Mangfold eller konformitet? Likheter og forskjeller innenfor og mellom fem statlige tilknytningsformer
(10-2002, Working paper, 2002-08)In a study that focuses on how different values and considerations are attached weight to in organisations with different forms of association to the Norwegian central state, we found that economic values and considerations ... -
National Politics and Global Ideas? Welfare, Work and Legitimacy in Norway and the United States
(12-2002, Working paper, 2002-09)This paper is a discussion of the link between national welfare debates at the one hand and theories of globalisation at the other. Briefly, one can assume that by analysing how different arrangements are being discussed ... -
Globalisering som utfordring til samfunnsvitskapane
(13-2002, Working paper, 2002-09)In the 1990s, ‘globalisation’ entered the standard vocabulary in the social sciences. Based on readings of selected works on globalisation, this report gives a brief review of the history and the use of the term ‘globalisation’, ... -
Den opprinnelige symbiosen mellom fotball og presse
(Notat, Working paper, 2002-09)There has always been a strong symbiotic relation between sport and the mass media in contemporary society.2 Nevertheless, the role of the mass media has been a neglected topic within sports research in Norway. Likewise, ... -
Den globale produksjonen av symbol og kunnskap. Verdsflukt og verdsherredømme
(Notat (Globaliseringsprogrammet), Working paper, 2002-09)Global production of cultural symbol and knowledge World flight and World mastery: This is an outline of how global production of cultural symbols and specialized knowledge are transforming basic experiences of illness and ... -
Complex Patterns of Interaction and Influence Among Political and Administrative Leaders
(Working paper, Working paper, 2002-10)In this paper we describe the influence of Norwegian executive political and administrative leaders on salient policy issues, based on a structural, a culturalinstitutional and an exposure perspective. The data used are ... -
Hierarchy and Specialization. On Institutional Integration of Higher Education Systems
(16-2002, Working paper, 2002-10)Over the last decades higher education systems in much of the Western world have become more integrated. Whilst public authorities have had to develop strategies for how higher education systems should be organized, higher ... -
Trust in Government – the Relative Importance of Service Satisfaction, Political Factors and Demography
(18-2002, Working paper, 2002-11)This paper focuses on trust in government, meaning the parliament, the cabinet, the civil service, local councils, political parties and politicians. Trust is measured in terms of specific support - as indicated by people’s ... -
Arbeidsinnvandringssituasjonen i Norge etter 1975
(19-2002, Working paper, 2002-11)Norway is about to meet a new and significant challenge. The country is no longer able to supply itself with the required labour, and will most probably in the future have to import considerable amounts of such resources. ... -
Europeanization of Public Administration: Effects of the EU on the Central Administration in the Nordic States
(Working Paper, Working paper, 2002-11)This paper examines the Europeanization of the Public Administration in the Nordic countries and explores the apparent similarities and differences of the changes in the central administration due to EU and EEA membership. ... -
Will Increased Wages Reduce Shortage of Nurses? A Panel Data Analysis of Nurses’ Labour Supply
(27-2002, Working paper, 2002-12)Shortage of nurses is a problem in several countries. It is an unsettled question whether increasing wages constitute a viable policy for extracting more labour supply from nurses. In this paper we use a unique matched ...