Browsing Uni Research Rokkansenteret by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 321
Byfolk og politikk. Gjennomgang av data fra en befolkningsundersøkelse i Bergen, Oslo og Tromsø
(30-2002, Working paper, 2002-12)This report presents preliminary findings from a survey conducted within the project «New Forms of Political Participation in an Urban Context». The project aims at gaining insights into local citizenship and new forms of ... -
Frå privat initiativ til kommunalt monopol. Lysverk, sporvegar og renovasjon i Bergen og Oslo 1850–1935
(24-2002, Working paper, 2002-12)In the late 19th and early 20th century, Norwegian cities were marked by a strong and accelerating growth in the production of common goods under municipal control. This municipalization brought also private activities ... -
Taxing Europe. The Case for European Taxes in Federal Perspective
(20-2002, Working paper, 2002-12) -
Generalistkommune og oppgavedifferensiering. Tre innlegg
(23-2002, Working paper, 2002-12)This Note describes three lectures by representatives of the Rokkan Centre. The lectures were commissioned by the Department of Local Government of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, where they were ... -
Medical Predictors of Disability Pension in Long-term Sickness Absence. Results from a population-based prospective study in the Norwegian county of Hordaland 1994–1999
(28-2002, Working paper, 2002-12)Background: While several socio-demographic predictors of disability pension have been identified, less is known about the importance of the medical aspects. The aim of this study was to explore the importance of diagnoses, ... -
Mellom «non-intervention» og «samfundsvillie». Statleg og kommunal regulering av økonomisk verksemd i Norge på 1800-talet
(25-2002, Working paper, 2002-12)In Norway, the discussion of which economic activities that should be private and which public started in the middle of the 19th century, a discussion linked to the breakthrough of a modern economic system in the country. ... -
Hovedtyper av valgordninger. Proporsjonalitet eller politisk styring?
(26-2002, Working paper, 2002-12)This article maps the principal types of electoral systems in use, and their effects on the political system. The crucial questions are: What matters when it comes to the degree of proportionality? And, do systems of ... -
Teknologi og demokrati. Med norske kommuner på nett!
(29-2002, Working paper, 2002-12)This study, supported by the ministry of Local Government and Regional development, maps the way in which Norwegian municipalities use ICT in local democracy. New information and communication technologies have been ... -
Kommunaliseringsprosessen i Århus 1850-1940
(31-2002, Working paper, 2002-12)This paper discusses the relationship in conduct and organisation between private and municipal works in Århus, Denmark from 1850 to ca. 1940. It outlines the historical background of this Danish city community, where ... -
Politisk styring og privatisering: holdninger i elitene og befolkningen
(1-2003, Working paper, 2003-03)This paper focuses on attitudes on political control of state owned companies and on privatization. Do the citizens and the elites in Norway agree on these issues? To what degree do the attitudes vary with demographic ... -
A Panel Data Study of Physicians’ Labor Supply: The Case of Norway
(3-2003, Working paper, 2003-03)Physicians are key personnel in a sector which is important due to its size as well as the quality of service it provides. We estimate the labor supply of physicians employed at hospitals in Norway, using personnel register ... -
Unionised Oligopoly, Trade Liberalisation and Location Choice
(3-2003, Working paper, 2003-03)In a two-country reciprocal dumping model, with one country unionized, we analyze how wage setting and firm location are influenced by trade liberalization. We show that trade liberalization can induce FDI, which is at ... -
Changing Government Control in Norway: High Civil Service, Universities and Prisons
(Working paper, Working paper, 2003-03)The topic of this paper is the changing relations of control between the legislative and executive bodies, within executive and within public administration. We outline the traditional way of controlling public sector ... -
Global Normative Standards and National Solutions for Pension Provision: The World Bank, ILO, Norway and South Africa in Comparative Perspective
(8-2003, Working paper, 2003-04)This paper identifies and describes the normative content of ideas concerning pension systems/social security schemes in terms of the concepts of fairness or justice laid out by two selected international organisations: ... -
Tilsynsroller i samferdselssektoren
(6-2003, Working paper, 2003-04)This article focus on how two supervising authorities on the transport sector, The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the Railway Audit Authority (RAA), have obtained different audit roles. This despite being supervised ... -
Nordic Alcohol Policy and Globalization as a Changing Force
(5-2003, Working paper, 2003-04)Several recent studies argue that the Nordic alcohol policy, based on restrictive measures and aimed at reducing consumption, is changing. This paper discusses the potential impact of globalization on Nordic Alcohol policy ... -
Trust in Government – the Significance of Attitudes Towards Democracy, the Public Sector and Public Sector Reforms
(7-2003, Working paper, 2003-04)This paper examines trust in government along three dimensions: general levels of trust, trust in political bodies and actors and trust in the civil service. In correlating trust in government with citizens’ general attitudes ... -
The Welfare State: Three Normative Tensions
(9-2003, Working paper, 2003-05)This working paper is based on the ideas that “social justice is the first virtue of social institutions” and that democratic governing principles should be “transparent”, that is, known and available for public consideration ... -
Politisk styring og institusjonell autonomi – tre illustrasjoner
(10-2003, Working paper, 2003-05)This article is about the problems connected to political governance at the one hand, and institutional autonomy on the other. The assumption is that the relation between the two displays a fundamental contradiction, ... -
Cross National Comparison and National Contexts: Is What We Compare Comparable?
(Working paper, Working paper, 2003-07)The theme of this paper is how to engage in conceptual traveling while simultaneously avoid conceptual stretching: At the one hand we need concepts general enough to grasp essential features of the national contexts under ...