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dc.contributor.authorFimreite, Anne Liseeng
dc.contributor.authorLægreid, Pereng
dc.contributor.authorRykkja, Lise Hellebøeng
dc.descriptionThis paper is written as part of the research project «Multi-level governance in the tension between functional and territorial specialization», funded by the Norwegian Research Council. It was presented at the Fifth TransAtlantic Dialogue (5TAD): The Future of Governance in Europe and the U.S, 11-13 June 2009, Washington D.C., Workshop 1: Can the Public Sector Reestablish its Legitimacy? The TransAtlantic Dialogues are organized jointly by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) and the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA).en
dc.description.abstractThis paper analyzes citizens’ attitudes towards the use of strong prevention measures in the fight against terror. The analysis is based on a survey sent to a representative sample of the Norwegian population in 2006. The respondents were asked whether they thought the authorities should have the right to hold people in custody without trial, to tap people’s telephone calls, or to randomly stop and search people on the street. Norwegian citizens stand out as having relatively positive attitudes towards the measures in question. However, they are generally more critical towards keeping people in custody without trial, which is the most controversial measure. The analysis shows that trust, religion, and political orientation have significant explanatory value. High scores on social trust predict more skeptical attitudes towards strong prevention measures. However, a strong belief in personal abilities fosters attitudes that are less skeptical. Christians are likely to be more positive than Muslims, and people belonging to the political left are significantly more skeptical towards draconian prevention measures than people on the political right.en_US
dc.description.abstractNotatet analyserer befolkningens holdninger til ulike forebyggende tiltak i kampen mot terror, basert på en survey sendt til et representativt utvalg av den norske befolkningen i 2006. I undersøkelsen ble det spurt om holdninger til ulike tiltak iverksatt av myndighetene ved mistanke om at et nært forestående terrorangrep. Burde myndighetene i slike tilfeller ha rett til å holde personer i forvaring så lenge de vil uten å stille dem for retten, å avlytte folks telefonsamtaler, og/eller tilfeldig stoppe og ransake folk på gaten? Nordmenn fremstår som relativt positive til slike anti-terrortiltak. Likevel er de mer kritisk til det tiltaket som også er mest kontroversielt: Å holde noen i forvaring i et ubegrenset tidsrom uten å stille dem for retten. Analysen viser videre at tillit, religion og politisk orientering har signifikant betydning for holdningene til antiterrortiltak. Høy skår på sosial tillit predikerer mer skeptiske holdninger til sterke antiterrortiltak. Samtidig går høy tiltro til egne evner og muligheter for politisk påvirkning sammen med mindre skeptiske holdninger til anti terrortiltakene. Kristne er mer positive til slike tiltak enn det muslimer er, og de som tilhører den politiske venstresiden er mer skeptiske enn de som befinner seg på høyresiden.en_US
dc.publisherStein Rokkan Centre for Social Studieseng
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorking Paperen
dc.titleThe role of trust, religion and political affiliation in attitudes to anti-terror measureseng
dc.typeWorking papereng
dc.rights.holderCopyright Stein Rokkan Centre for Social Studies. All rights reserved
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200nob

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