Viser treff 301-320 av 321

    • Institutional Conditions and the Responsibilities of Universities 

      Bleiklie, Ivar (13-2004, Working paper, 2004-11)
      The focus of the paper is on institutional values and organizational forms in universities. Before starting the analysis, a theoretical framework for understanding institutional change is outlined. It is based on a conception ...
    • Changing Government Control in Norway: High Civil Service, Universities and Prisons 

      Bleiklie, Ivar; Lægreid, Per; Wik, Marjoleine Hooijkaas (Working paper, Working paper, 2003-03)
      The topic of this paper is the changing relations of control between the legislative and executive bodies, within executive and within public administration. We outline the traditional way of controlling public sector ...
    • Downstream Merger with Upstream Market Power 

      Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Straume, Odd Rune; Sørgard, Lars (Working paper, Working paper, 2003-12)
      We examine how a downstream merger affects input prices and, in turn, the profitability of a such a merger under Cournot competition with differentiated products. Input suppliers can be interpreted as ordinary upstream ...
    • Management Between Autonomy and Transparency in the Enterprise Hospital 

      Torjesen, Dag Olaf; Gammelsæter, Hallgeir (1-2004, Working paper, 2004-01)
      Better management and new organizational forms have been the preferred solutions in the efforts to slow down the rising expenditures in Norwegian hospitals. This has been explicitly expressed in a new law on health personnel ...
    • National Versus International Mergers in Unionised Oligopoly 

      Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Straume, Odd Rune; Sørgard, Lars (21-2004, Working paper, 2004-12)
      We analyse how the presence of trade unions affects the pattern of mergers in an international oligopoly and the welfare implications thereof. We find that wages for the merger participants are always lower when they merge ...
    • Governance in Primary and Lower Secondary Education. Comparing Norway, Sweden and England 

      Helgøy, Ingrid; Homme, Anne Dåsvatn (16-2004, Working paper, 2004-11)
      In this paper we discuss changes in regulation and governance in primary and lower secondary education in Norway, Sweden and England. During the last ten–fifteen years the three countries have implemented reforms, which ...
    • Perspektiv på bygdeutvikling 

      Byrkjeland, Martin; Grove, Knut (14-2005, Working paper, 2005-12)
      The report discusses a selection of rural development projects in Hordaland from the period 1990 to 2005. The policy of rural development emerged during the 1980-ies because traditional regional development did not satisfy ...
    • Overcoming the Barriers and Seizing the Opportunities for Active Ageing in Norway: Report from an Expert Panel Meeting 

      Ervik, Rune; Helgøy, Ingrid (12-2005, Working paper, 2005-12)
      This report provides the result from the expert panel meetings as a key element of the sixth work package (WP6) of the Active Ageing project. A main concern of this WP is to identify barriers to active ageing and means to ...
    • Instituttstruktur og fakultetsorganisering ved HF-fakultetet, Universitetet i Bergen 

      Lima, Ivar Andreas Åsland; Vabø, Agnete (1-2005, Working paper, 2005-05)
      At an inter-faculty meeting in the spring of 2004, The Faculty of Arts (HF) at the University of Bergen (UiB) took the initiative to evaluate the institute structure. Today’s organisation of institutes was last changed in ...
    • Autonomy and Control in the Norwegian Civil Service: Does Agency Form Matter? 

      Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (Working paper, Working paper, 2005-09)
      This paper describes the degree of perceived autonomy and control in Norwegian state agencies, examines the relationships between different dimensions of autonomy, and analyzes the variations in perceived autonomy and ...
    • Active Ageing and the Norwegian Health Care System 

      Helgøy, Ingrid (Working paper, Working paper, 2005-12)
      This paper provides results from the fourth work package (WP4) of the Active Ageing project dealing with how the ongoing health policy in Norway has given rise to an Active Ageing agenda. The aim is to identify the ...
    • Omstilling i Arbeidstilsynet: Tilsynsmeldingens konsekvenser for strategi og organisering 

      Helleren, Stig (9-2005, Working paper, 2005-11)
      In 2003, a government white paper (St.meld. nr. 17 (2002–2003)) instigated comprehensive reforms in several of Norway’s regulatory bodies. The reform package provoked controversy, particularly the proposed relocation of ...
    • The Public, the Mother and the Child. Public Health Initiatives Promoting the Strong and Happy Child – Focusing on Food and Mental Health 

      Ludvigsen, Kari; Elvbakken, Kari Tove (11-2005, Working paper, 2005-12)
      This paper addresses public health initiatives towards the youngest children and their mothers, namely The Mother and Child Health Centers (MCHC). The orientations and the content of the MCHC are discussed, focusing two ...
    • Regulating Regulatory Organizations: Controlling Norwegian Civil Service Organizations 

      Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (5-2005, Working paper, 2005-09)
      This paper describes the regulatory agencies in Norway as part of the population of Norwegian state agencies by focusing on who controls and on what is controlled and how. We analyze whether regulatory agencies are regulated ...
    • Specialization and Coordination: Implications for Integration and Autonomy in a Multi-Level System 

      Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (7-2005, Working paper, 2005-11)
      In this paper we discuss the changes in relationship between central and local government in Norway in a decade of reforms both at central and local levels. A main topic is the balance between unity and diversity or state ...
    • Regulatory Reforms and Agencification 

      Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (6-2005, Working paper, 2005-11)
      Over the last two decades the classical model of hierarchical and integrated government has been gradually replaced by a more horizontally structured and fragmented arrangement. A central aspect of this development in many ...
    • Penga eller livet? Lederutfordringer i det reformerte norske sykehusvesenet 

      Johansen, Monica Skjøld (16-2005, Working paper, 2005-12)
      The main subject of this working paper is the health care reforms introduced in the Norwegian health care system the last 10−15 years. The focus is how these reforms have been experienced and interpreted by the main ...
    • Modalen. Fra off-road til on-line på 25 år 

      Christensen, Dag Arne; Aars, Jacob (2-2005, Working paper, 2005-06)
      This study maps how two municipalities, Modalen and Kvam, have used ICT in local democracy. In Modalen, commercial interest wanted the community to serve as a pilot for broadband testing. The project Multimedia@Modalen is ...
    • Europeanization of Nordic Central Governments: Towards a Transnational Regulatory State? 

      Lægreid, Per; Steinthorsson, Runolfur Smari; Thorhallsson, Baldur (Working Paper, Working paper, 2005-11)
      This paper first describes the degree of EU regulation in the Nordic countries by focusing on the scope of EU rules and regulations in domestic administration, the monitoring and control, and the compliance and enforcement. ...
    • Performance Management In Practice – the Norwegian Way 

      Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (8-2005, Working paper, 2005-11)
      This paper examines how the Norwegian system of performance management, Management-By-Objectives-And-Results (MBOR), works in practice in civil service organizations. To do this it focuses on the formulation of goals and ...