Now showing items 261-280 of 321

    • Velferdsstat, rettighetslovgivning og lokalt selvstyre 

      Christensen, Dag Arne (19-2004, Working paper, 2004-12)
      This paper focuses on individual social rights, and their consequences for Norwegian local democracy. In the Norwegian power study judicialization of politics is a key element in the crisis diagnosis over local democracy. ...
    • Civil Service Organizations in Norway: Organizational Features and Tasks 

      Rubecksen, Kristin (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-12)
      The paper focuses on civil service organizations in Norway – of particular relevance is central organizational features and structure, task portfolio and how organizational characteristics vary according to type of task. ...
    • Ledelse og evidens i det psykiske helsevernet, konsekvenser for kunnskapsforståelse og organisering 

      Johannessen, Birte Folgerø (22-2004, Working paper, 2004-12)
      A more professional and distinct managerial role is now being established. Unitary management changes the relationship between management-knowledge, clinical knowledge and specialized professional knowledge. A central ...
    • Tilsynspolitikk i Norge: Utflytting og autonomi 

      Hommen, Kim Ove (17-2003, Working paper, 2003-11)
      This paper focuses on how proposals about reorganizing regulatory bodies, presented in a Government white paper (Stortingsmelding nr. 17 (2002–2003)) was initiated, explored and what kind of decisions that where made in ...
    • Legemiddeltilsyn og europeisering 

      Dyrdal, Morten (10-2004, Working paper, 2004-09)
      This Paper excamines how the medicines control and regulation policy in Norway and Sweden adopt to the European Union from 1990–1999. The paper is based on a comparative studie of the Pharmaceutical control authorities in ...
    • Integrering av kjønnsperspektiv i offentlig tjenesteproduksjon og planlegging 

      Lien, Renate Storetvedt; Taksdal, Arnhild (8-2004, Working paper, 2004-05)
      Local authorities of the city of Bergen and the county of Hordaland have cooperated in a pilot project: To adjust services to women and men – developing methods for better user contentment. The aim of the project has been ...
    • Poverty among Households with Children: A Comparative Study of Lone Parents and Couples with Children in Norway and Germany 

      Hansen, Hans-Tore; Trædal-Henden, Anne Hege; Jürgens, Olaf; Voges, Wolfgang (7-2004, Working paper, 2004-04)
      The purpose of this paper is to compare poverty among lone parents households and couples households with children in Norway and Germany measuring income poverty, material deprivation and receptions of social assistance ...
    • Arbeidstilsynets rollekonflikt: Vekslende tilsynsstrategier mellom kontroll og veiledning 

      Helleren, Stig (26-2004, Working paper, 2004-12)
      This paper is based on a qualitative case study of the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (LIA). It explores two recurring themes in public administration. One is the conflict that arises when contradictory tasks are ...
    • Active Ageing: Country Report Norway 

      Christensen, Dag Arne (Working paper, Working paper, 2003-11)
      This paper systematically chart existing Norwegian active ageing policies. It identifies policy goals, policy instruments, and institutional mechanisms of the current active ageing policy agenda. It also maps the ...
    • Global Normative Standards and National Solutions for Pension Provision: The World Bank, ILO, Norway and South Africa in Comparative Perspective 

      Ervik, Rune (8-2003, Working paper, 2003-04)
      This paper identifies and describes the normative content of ideas concerning pension systems/social security schemes in terms of the concepts of fairness or justice laid out by two selected international organisations: ...
    • The Norwegian Hospital Reform - Balancing Political Control and Enterprise Autonomy 

      Lægreid, Per; Opedal, Ståle; Stigen, Inger Marie (23-2003, Working paper, 2003-12)
      This paper focuses on the balance between superior governmental control and enterprise autonomy by examining the Norwegian Hospital Reform. We describe the enterprise model and give a description of the policy instruments ...
    • The Fragmented State – the Challenges of Combining Efficiency, Institutional Norms and Democracy 

      Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (3-2004, Working paper, 2004-03)
      In this paper we describe the emergence of a leaner, more fragmented state brought about by the transformation of public-sector organisations from integrated multifunctional entities into autonomous and single-purpose ...
    • Politiske uttrykksformer i en bykontekst 

      Aars, Jacob; Kvalvåg, Svein (23-2004, Working paper, 2004-12)
      The project «New Forms of Political Participation in an Urban Context» has aimed at gaining insights into local citizenship and new forms of political participation within an urban context. Increasingly, Norwegian cities ...
    • Tilsynsroller i samferdselssektoren 

      Hommen, Kim Ove (6-2003, Working paper, 2003-04)
      This article focus on how two supervising authorities on the transport sector, The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the Railway Audit Authority (RAA), have obtained different audit roles. This despite being supervised ...
    • Perspectives on Policy Transfer. The Case of the OECD 

      Kildal, Nanna (13-2003, Working paper, 2003-08)
      The issue of this working paper is the study of ‘policy transfer’ between international organisations and national welfare reforms, which is illustrated by a study of the OECD. As the OECD’s multilateral surveillance is ...
    • Performance Management and Public Sector Reform: The Norwegian Hospital Reform 

      Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Stigen, Inger Marie (17-2004, Working paper, 2004-12)
      When New Public Management (NPM) reforms are introduced in various countries, one central element in the balance between political control and institutional and professional autonomy is the development of new performance ...
    • A Union Bashing Model of Inflation Targeting 

      Meland, Frode (28-2004, Working paper, 2004-12)
      This paper shows that in an open economy, general price level inflation targeting may provide large wage setters with little incentive for wage restraint. This contradicts recent developments within the inflation targeting ...
    • Pris- og avanseregulering i legemiddelmarkedet. En prinsipiell diskusjon og en vurdering av den norske modellen 

      Brekke, Kurt; Straume, Odd Rune (20-2003, Working paper, 2003-12)
      The pharmaceutical market is characterised by market power on the supply side, mainly due to the patent system, and price-inelastic demand because of substantial third-party payments and asymmetric information. As a ...
    • The Welfare State: Three Normative Tensions 

      Kildal, Nanna (9-2003, Working paper, 2003-05)
      This working paper is based on the ideas that “social justice is the first virtue of social institutions” and that democratic governing principles should be “transparent”, that is, known and available for public consideration ...
    • The Institutional Construction of Consumerism. A study of Implementing Quality indicators 

      Østergren, Katarina (15-2004, Working paper, 2004-11)
      This paper provides a critical analysis of the linkages between rising consumerism and the development of performance measurement practices in the Norwegian health care sector. Addressing this issue, we draw on Hensman’s ...