• Modalen. Fra off-road til on-line på 25 år 

      Christensen, Dag Arne; Aars, Jacob (2-2005, Working paper, 2005-06)
      This study maps how two municipalities, Modalen and Kvam, have used ICT in local democracy. In Modalen, commercial interest wanted the community to serve as a pilot for broadband testing. The project Multimedia@Modalen is ...
    • Modern Management Tools in Norwegian State Agencies: Regulation Inside Government or Shopping Basket? 

      Lægreid, Per; Rubecksen, Kristin; Roness, Paul G. (13-2006, Working paper, 2006-12)
      This paper focuses on the broad package of modern management tools that are used by Norwegian state organizations. These tools are regarded as forms of regulation inside government as well as a shopping basket. We describe ...
    • Modern Regulatory Agencies - Professional and Judicial Objectivity or Increased Complexity in Decision-Making? 

      Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (12-2006, Working paper, 2006-12)
      In this paper we examine the preconditions for fulfilling the aims of the regulatory reform in the case of Norway by comparing different decision-making processes in regulatory agencies. We cover both the process of ...
    • Monitoring prioritization in a public health care sector 

      Askildsen, Jan Erik; Kaarbøe, Oddvar; Holmås, Tor Helge (Working Paper, Working paper, 2008-12)
      This paper presents a new way to monitor priority settings in public health care systems. We take departure in medical guidelines prescribing acceptable waiting times for different medical descriptions. Allocating ICD10 ...
    • Mot en ny yrkesrolle i Nav? 

      Helgøy, Ingrid; Kildal, Nanna; Nilssen, Even (Working Paper, Working paper, 2010-02)
      This paper focuses on the integration of the Norwegian employment service, the social insurance service and parts of the local social assistance service in the recently established Nav-office. This integration is supposed ...
    • Mot en spesialisert veilederrolle i Nav? En dokumentasjonsrapport 

      Helgøy, Ingrid; Kildal, Nanna; Nilssen, Even (Working Paper, Working paper, 2011-12)
      Den såkalte Nav-reformen ble vedtatt i Stortinget i 2002 og gjennomført i perioden 2006-2010. Reformen er den mest omfattende forvaltningsreformen som er gjennomført i Norge i nyere tid (Christensen & Lægreid 2010) og ...
    • Myten om et integrert tilsyn; en studie av Mattilsynets etablering og drift 

      Grahm-Haga, Torkel (Notat, Working paper, 2007-12)
      This paper is based on an in-depth study of the reorganzing of the Norwegian Food Control Administration and the establishment of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The study concentrates on policy development at the ...
    • National Politics and Global Ideas? Welfare, Work and Legitimacy in Norway and the United States 

      Berven, Nina (12-2002, Working paper, 2002-09)
      This paper is a discussion of the link between national welfare debates at the one hand and theories of globalisation at the other. Briefly, one can assume that by analysing how different arrangements are being discussed ...
    • National Versus International Mergers in Unionised Oligopoly 

      Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Straume, Odd Rune; Sørgard, Lars (21-2004, Working paper, 2004-12)
      We analyse how the presence of trade unions affects the pattern of mergers in an international oligopoly and the welfare implications thereof. We find that wages for the merger participants are always lower when they merge ...
    • NAV i støpeskjeen. En studie av NAV-reformens interimsfase, 2005–2006 

      Askim, Jostein (Working Paper, Working paper, 2009-09)
      The report studies events that took place between May 2005, when the Norwegian parlament decided to reform the Norwegian welfare administration, and June 2006, when the new state agency called NAV was established. The ...
    • NAV in an international context 

      Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise (Research report, 2010)
      The NAV-reform is one of the largest coordination-oriented reforms in recent Norwegian public administration history. Following years of debate and negotiation, the government decided to merge two sector organizations with ...
    • Nominering og konstituering i norske kommunar 

      Ringkjøb, Hans-Erik; Aars, Jacob (Working Paper, Working paper, 2010-10)
      This paper explores two crucial stages of the local political recruitment process: a) The nomination process, and b) the process whereby committee positions are allocated. Both processes are mainly controlled by political ...
    • Nordic Alcohol Policy and Globalization as a Changing Force 

      Hellebø, Lise (5-2003, Working paper, 2003-04)
      Several recent studies argue that the Nordic alcohol policy, based on restrictive measures and aimed at reducing consumption, is changing. This paper discusses the potential impact of globalization on Nordic Alcohol policy ...
    • Nordisk Kulturfond: Omverdensanalyse 2008–2012 

      Brandser, Gry; Brekke, Ole Andreas (Rapport; 01-2014, Research report, 2014-08)
      På oppdrag fra Nordisk Kulturfond har Uni Rokkansenteret foretatt en omverdensanalyse og evaluering av fondets virksomhet i perioden 2008–2012 med et blikk inn i den fortsatte utvikling 2013–2014. Fondet er en av tre ...
    • Nordisk samfunnsvitenskapelig forskning om alkohol og narkotika. Utviklingstrekk og endringer i alliansen mellom kunnskapsproduksjon og politikk 

      Fjær, Svanaug (8-2008, Working paper, 2008-06)
      Nordic social alcohol and drug research: trends and changes in the relationship between knowledge production and policy The Nordic tradition in social science research on alcohol and drugs has its roots back to the critical ...
    • Norsk antikorrupsjonspolitikk - svar på behov eller utløst av en internasjonal trend? 

      Valde, Birgit Skjelbred-Knudsen (3-2006, Working paper, 2006-06)
      This papers focus is on the development of a Norwegian anti-corruption policy. In 1990 an anti-corruption policy was not regarded as discrete area of policy and was given little attention. In 2003 the Norwegian government ...
    • Norsk sentralforvaltning under EØS-avtalen - politisk detraksjon og transnasjonale styringsutfordringer 

      Danielsen, Ole Andreas (Working Paper, Working paper, 2009-02)
      This paper addresses the relationship between European integration and national administrative adaptation in an EEA affiliated country, Norway. It focuses on the following dimensions: (1) to what degree Norwegian ministries ...
    • Norske kommunestyrerepresentantar i europeisk lys 

      Aars, Jacob; Offerdal, Audun (Research report, 2012)
      I denne rapporten legg vi fram nokre resultat frå ei samanliknande undersøking av kommunestyrerepresentantar i 14 land i Europa. Problemstillingane er særleg knytte til korleis dei valde representantane i dei ulike landa ...
    • Norskopplæring for personer i asylmottak 

      Drangsland, Kari Anne K.; Dahle, Malin; Karlsen, Marry-Anne (Research report, 2016)
      Denne rapporten undersøker norskopplæringstilbudet som gis til beboere i asylmottak. Opplæringstilbudet omfatter to ulike ordninger: opplæring i norsk og samfunnskunnskap i henhold til introduksjonsloven for personer i ...