• Contextualizing candidate popularity: An analysis of the 2007 Norwegian local elections 

      Christensen, Dag Arne; Midtbø, Tor; Aars, Jacob (Working Paper, Working paper, 2010-07)
      Previous research suggests a number of candidate-level influences on candidate popularity like position on the party lists, political experience and social background. Questions about how party- and district-level variables ...
    • Contraception, abortion and state socialism: categories in birth control discourses and policies 

      Stenvoll, Dag (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      The article is about the politics of birth control in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). I will map abortion and contraception policies and discourses during and after state socialism, with Russia, Poland and Romania as ...
    • Coordinating «Wicked Issues»: The County Governor’s Role in Norwegian Internal Security 

      Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (Working Paper, Working paper, 2009-11)
      Internal security, civil protection and crisis management comprise an important, but challenging policy field. Crises can be framed as «wicked issues» or problems, inherently complex and difficult to solve. Efficient crisis ...
    • Coordination and hybrid governance – theoretical and empirical challenges 

      Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (Working Paper, Working paper, 2009-06)
      Public organizations are increasingly hybrid and complex, trying to attend to numerous and partly conflicting structures and cultural elements at the same time. The different generations of public sector reforms – NPM and ...
    • Crisis Management Organization: Building Governance Capacity and Legitimacy 

      Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (Working paper 11-2014, Working paper, 2014-12)
      This paper addresses the question of what makes a well‐functioning governmental crisismanagement system. A core argument is that such a system needs both governance capacity and legitimacy. To achieve an institutional ...
    • Crisis Management – The Case of Internal Security in Norway 

      Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (Working Paper, Working paper, 2007-12)
      This paper describe and explain citizens’ and civil servants’ perceptions of how able government bodies are to prevent and handle crises. The explanatory factors are trust, cultural, political, structural and demographic ...
    • Cross National Comparison and National Contexts: Is What We Compare Comparable? 

      Berven, Nina (Working paper, Working paper, 2003-07)
      The theme of this paper is how to engage in conceptual traveling while simultaneously avoid conceptual stretching: At the one hand we need concepts general enough to grasp essential features of the national contexts under ...
    • Dagsverket - lavterskel arbeidstilbud for rusavhengige. Evalueringsrapport 

      Fjær, Svanaug (Notat, Working paper, 2006-05)
      Dagsverket (one-day’s-work) is a low threshold service aiming at giving people with addiction problems a possibility to work. The service offer work to a group of 15 persons, for four hours a day. People that meet in the ...
    • Dealing with Natural Disasters: Managing Floods in Norway 

      Lillestøl, Carina Smørdal; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (Working paper; 4-2016, Working paper, 2016-04)
      Crises, such as floods, give rise to important political–administrative challenges. Preparing for sudden adversity, and the capacity to respond and adjust course in the face of crises are major and necessary assets for ...
    • The Decentralized Path Challenged? Nordic Health Care Reforms in Comparison 

      Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Neby, Simon (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-01)
      In this paper we present alternatives for describing and explaining the developments of Nordic health care in general and hospitals in particular. The backdrop is the Norwegian hospital reform of 2002, a reform that seems ...
    • Democracy and administrative policy: Contrasting elements of NPM and post-NPM 

      Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (Working Paper, Working paper, 2009-11)
      This paper put together an analytical platform for discussing and analyzing administrative reforms in terms of democracy. First, we present the fundamental positions of democratic theory represented by output-democracy and ...
    • Den globale produksjonen av symbol og kunnskap. Verdsflukt og verdsherredømme 

      Møen, Atle (Notat (Globaliseringsprogrammet), Working paper, 2002-09)
      Global production of cultural symbol and knowledge World flight and World mastery: This is an outline of how global production of cultural symbols and specialized knowledge are transforming basic experiences of illness and ...
    • Den kulturelle skolesekken - en tekstsamling 

      Breivik, Jan-Kåre; Christophersen, Catharina (Working paper 02/2013, Working paper, 2013-05)
      Høsten 2009 fikk Uni Rokkansenteret og Høgskolen i Bergen i oppdrag av Kulturdepartementet å forske på Den kulturelle skolesekken (DKS). Forskningsprosjektet ble gjennomført i tidsrommet 2010–2013 av en forskergruppe ...
    • Den kulturelle skolesekken - et utredningsnotat 

      Breivik, Jan-Kåre; Christophersen, Catharina (Working paper 08/2012, Working paper, 2012-10)
      Dette notatet er skrevet på oppdrag for Kulturutredningen 2014. Siktemålet har vært å redegjøre for tidligere og pågående forsknings- og utredningsarbeid om Den kulturelle skolesekken (DKS), og å drøfte styrker og svakheter ...
    • Den norske velferdsstaten: Fra sosiale til kontraktbaserte rettigheter 

      Kildal, Nanna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Artikkelen retter søkelyset mot en normativ bevegelse i den norske velferdsstatens utvikling – fra universelle til kontraktuelle rettigheter. Sosiale rettigheter som ble etablert etter den 2. verdenskrig, har siden 1990-tallet ...
    • Den opprinnelige symbiosen mellom fotball og presse 

      Helland, Knut (Notat, Working paper, 2002-09)
      There has always been a strong symbiotic relation between sport and the mass media in contemporary society.2 Nevertheless, the role of the mass media has been a neglected topic within sports research in Norway. Likewise, ...
    • Det kulturelle Hardanger. Hardingen, regionen og fellesskapa 

      Grove, Knut (Working Paper, Working paper, 2008-12)
      This paper focuses on features characterizing the culture in Hardanger as part of a regional history, dealing with the period from about 1870 and forward. It is important to get hold of the characteristic features of the ...
    • Diversity, uniformity and urban political participation 

      Aars, Jacob; Christensen, Dag Arne; Midtbø, Tor (Working Paper, Working paper, 2010-05)
      Our paper aims to analyse the effects of heterogeneity/homogeneity on political participation in three metropolitan areas in Norway. One hypothesis is that socially and/or ethnically homogenous urban areas will have a ...
    • Do Treatment Decisions Depend on Physicians’ Financial Incentives? 

      Brekke, Kurt; Holmås, Tor Helge; Monstad, Karin; Straume, Odd Rune (Working paper; 4-2015, Working paper, 2015-07)
      We study whether and how physicians respond to financial incentives, making use of detailed register data on the health-care services provided to patients by general practitioners (GPs) in Norway over a six-year period ...
    • Does place matter? A study of Norwegian local party support 

      Midtbø, Tor; Christensen, Dag Arne; Aars, Jacob (Working Paper, Working paper, 2010-04)
      This article seeks to identify and quantify variation in Norwegian local party support across different geographical entities. Drawing on the traditional political cleavage literature as well as the more recent literature ...