Viser treff 41-60 av 504

    • Climate Evolution Through the Onset and Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation 

      McClymont, E.L.; Ho, Sze Ling; Ford, H.L.; Bailey, I.; Berke, M.A.; Bolton, C.T.; De Schepper, Stijn; Grant, G.R.; Groeneveld, J.; Inglis, G.N.; Karas, C.; Patterson, M.O.; Swann, G.E.A.; Thirumalai, K.; White, S.M.; Alonso-Garcia, M.; Anand, P.; Hoogakker, B.A.A.; Littler, K.; Petrick, B.F.; Risebrobakken, Bjørg; Abell, J.T.; Crocker, A.J.; de Graaf, Graaf; Feakins, S.J.; Hargreaves, J.C.; Jones, C.L.; Markowska, M.; Ratnayake, A.S.; Stepanek, C.; Tangunan, D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Pliocene Epoch (∼5.3–2.6 million years ago, Ma) was characterized by a warmer than present climate with smaller Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, and offers an example of a climate system in long-term equilibrium with ...
    • A compilation of snow cover datasets for svalbard: A multi-sensor, multi-model study 

      Vickers, Hannah; Malnes, Eirik; Van Pelt, Ward; Pohjola, Veijo; Killie, Mari Anne; Saloranta, Tuomo; Karlsen, Stein Rune (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Reliable and accurate mapping of snow cover are essential in applications such as water resource management, hazard forecasting, calibration and validation of hydrological models and climate impact assessments. Optical ...
    • Investigating pelagic biodiversity and gelatinous zooplankton communities in the rapidly changing European Arctic: An eDNA metabarcoding survey 

      Murray, Ayla; Priest, Taylor; González, Adria Antich; von Appen, Wilken-Jon; Neuhaus, Stefan; Havermans, Charlotte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Fram Strait, the gateway between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, is undergoing major climate change-induced physical and biological transformations. In particular, rapid warming and ongoing “Atlantification” are driving ...
    • The development of ocean currents and the response of the cryosphere on the Southwest Svalbard shelf over the Holocene 

      Devendra, Dhanushka; Łącka, Magdalena; Szymańska, Natalia; Szymczak-Żyła, Małgorzata; Krajewska, Magdalena; Weiner, Agnes; De Schepper, Stijn; Simon, Margit Hildegard; Zajączkowski, Marek (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      While general trends in the inflow of Atlantic Water (AW) to the European Arctic over the present interglacial (the Holocene) are well known, regional changes in climate and the AW current and subsequent environmental ...
    • Reconciling and Improving Formulations for Thermodynamics and Conservation Principles in Earth System Models (ESMs) 

      Lauritzen, Peter Hjort; Kevlahan, N.K.-R.; Toniazzo, Thomas; Eldred, Christopher; Dubos, Thomas; Gassmann, Almut; Larson, Vincent; Jablonowski, Christiane; Guba, Oksana; Shipway, Brad; Harrop, Bryce; Lemarié, F.; Tailleux, Remi; Herrington, Adam; Large, W.; Rasch, Philip J.; Donahue, Aaron S.; Wan, Hui; Conley, Andrew; Bacmeister, Julio T. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Earth System Models (ESMs) have numerous total energy budget errors. This article establishes the governing total energy equations for large-scale ESMs and assesses the energy budget errors in real-world simulations in a ...
    • The Iceland-Faroe warm-water flow towards the Arctic estimated from satellite altimetry and in situ observations 

      Hansen, Bogi; Larsen, Karin Margretha Húsgarð; Hátún, Egil Hjálmar; Olsen, Steffen M.; Gierisch, Andrea M. U.; Østerhus, Svein; Ólafsdóttir, Sædis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The inflow of warm and saline Atlantic water to the Arctic Mediterranean (Nordic Seas and Arctic Ocean) between Iceland and the Faroes (IF inflow) is the strongest Atlantic inflow branch in terms of volume transport and ...
    • Osmoregulatory plasticity of juvenile greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) to environmental salinity 

      Barany, A; Gilannejad, Neda; Alameda-López, M; Rodríguez-Velásquez, L; Astola, A; Martínez-Rodríguez, Gonzalo; Roo, J; Muñoz, J; Mancera, JM (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili, is of particular interest for pisciculture diversification due to its flesh quality and worldwide market acceptance. Moreover, this species shows rapid growth at the juvenile stage ...
    • Suitability analysis and revised strategies for marine environmental carbon capture and storage (CCS) monitoring 

      Lichtschlag, Anna; Pearce, Christopher R.; Suominen, Mikael; Blackford, Jerry; Borisov, Sergey M.; Bull, Jonathan M.; de Beer, Dirk; Dean, Marcella; Esposito, Mario; Flohr, Anita; Gros, Jonas; Haeckel, Matthias; Huvenne, Veerle A.I.; James, Rachael H.; Koopmans, Dirk; Linke, Peter; Mowlem, Matthew; Omar, Abdirahman M.; Schaap, Allison; Schmidt, Mark; Sommer, Stefan; Strong, James; Connelly, Douglas P. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Environmental monitoring of offshore Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) complexes requires robust methodologies and cost-effective tools to detect, attribute and quantify CO2 leakage in the unlikely event it occurs from a ...
    • The role of the marine research infrastructures in the European marine observation landscape: present and future perspectives 

      Dañobeitia, Juan José; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Pade, Nicolas; Arvanitidis, Christos; Sanders, Richard; Stanica, Adrian; Gourcuff, Claire; Petihakis, George; Tegas, Valentina; Favali, Paolo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The ocean regulates the exchange, storage of carbon dioxide, plays a key role in global control of Earth climate and life, absorbs most of the heat excess from greenhouse gas emissions and provides a remarkable number of ...
    • The Relative Stability of Planktic Foraminifer Thermal Preferences over the Past 3 Million Years 

      Dowsett, Harry; Robinson, Marci; Foley, Kevin; Herbert, Timothy; Hunter, Stephen; Andersson, Carin; Spivey, Whittney (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Stationarity of species’ ecological tolerances is a first-order assumption of paleoenvironmental reconstruction based upon analog methods. To test this and other assumptions used in quantitative analysis of foraminiferal ...
    • A comparative study of the alternative life history of iteroparous salmonids 

      Lennox, Robert; Nilsen, Cecilie Iden; Dahlmo, Lotte Svengård; Berhe, Saron; Barlaup, Bjørn Torgeir; Normann, Eirik; Landro, Yngve; Birnie-Gauvin, Kim; Cooke, Steven J.; Vollset, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The kelt phase of anadromous iteroparous salmonid life history remains mysterious, particularly aspects of their habitat use and factors influencing survival. Atlantic salmon and sea-run brown trout were captured in the ...
    • FRIS Revisited in 2018: On the Circulation and Water Masses at the Filchner and Ronne Ice Shelves in the Southern Weddell Sea 

      Janout, Markus A.; Hellmer, Hartmut H.; Hattermann, Tore; Huhn, Oliver; Sültenfuß, Jürgen; Østerhus, Svein; Stulic, Lukrecia; Ryan, Svenja; Schröder, Michael; Kanzow, Torsten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf (FRIS) is characterized by moderate basal melt rates due to the near-freezing waters that dominate the wide southern Weddell Sea continental shelf. We revisited the region in austral summer ...
    • Insights from international environmental legislation and protocols for the global plastic treaty 

      Aanesen, Margrethe; Ahi, Julide Ceren; Abate, Tenaw Gedefaw; Khan, Farhan R.; de Vries, Frans P.; Kite-Powell, Hauke; Beaumont, Nicola J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Plastic pollution has emerged as a global challenge necessitating collective efforts to mitigate its adverse environmental consequences. International negotiations are currently underway to establish a global plastic treaty. ...
    • The first ensemble of kilometer-scale simulations of a hydrological year over the third pole 

      Collier, Emily; Ban, Nikolina; Richter, Niklas; Ahrens, Bodo; Chen, Deliang; Chen, Xingchao; Lai, Hui-Wen; Leung, Ruby; Li, Lu; Medvedova, Alzbeta; Ou, Tinghai; Pothapakula, Praveen Kumar; Potter, Emily; Prein, Andreas F.; Sakaguchi, Koichi; Schroeder, Marie; Singh, Prashant; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter; Sugimoto, Shiori; Tang, Jianping; Yu, Hongyong; Ziska, Catharina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      An accurate understanding of the current and future water cycle over the Third Pole is of great societal importance, given the role this region plays as a water tower for densely populated areas downstream. An emerging and ...
    • Plant phenology evaluation of CRESCENDO land surface models-Part 1: Start and end of the growing season 

      Peano, Daniele; Hemming, Deborah; Materia, Stefano; Delire, Christine; Fan, Yuanchao; Joetzjer, Emilie; Lee, Hanna; Nabel, Julia; Park, Taejin; Peylin, Philippe; Wärlind, David; Wiltshire, Andy; Zaehle, Sönke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Plant phenology plays a fundamental role in land–atmosphere interactions, and its variability and variations are an indicator of climate and environmental changes. For this reason, current land surface models include ...
    • Implications of temperature overshoot dynamics for climate and carbon dioxide removal policies in the DICE model 

      Rickels, Wilfried; Schwinger, Jörg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Assessing climate policies that involve temporary overshoot of temperature targets requires an accurate representation of carbon cycle and climate dynamics. Here, we compare temperature overshoot climate policies obtained ...
    • The Eocene-Oligocene transition: a review of marine and terrestrial proxy data, models and model-data comparisons 

      Hutchinson, D.K.; Zhang, Zhongshi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The Eocene-Oligocene transition (EOT) from a largely ice-free greenhouse world to an icehouse climate with the first major glaciation of Antarctica was a phase of major climate and environmental change occurring ~34 million ...
    • Southern Ocean sea surface temperature synthesis: Part 1. Evaluation of temperature proxies at glacial-interglacial time scales 

      Chandler, David Matthew; Langebroek, Petra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Quaternary interglacial climates are often used as analogues for how the Antarctic Ice Sheet will respond to future climate warming. Southern Ocean marine sediments provide an important paleoclimate archive in this respect. ...
    • Representation of soil hydrology in permafrost regions may explain large part of inter-model spread in simulated Arctic and subarctic climate 

      De Vrese, Philipp; Georgievski, Goran; Gonzalez Rouco, Jesus Fidel; Notz, Dirk; Stacke, Tobias; Steinert, Norman; Wilkenskjeld, Stiig; Brovkin, Victor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The current generation of Earth system models exhibits large inter-model differences in the simulated climate of the Arctic and subarctic zone, with differences in model structure and parametrizations being one of the main ...
    • Warmer and wetter: Outlining climate services for snow-dependent tourism in Norway – The case of Lofoten 

      Mayer, Stephanie; Khasandi Kuya, Elinah; Antonsen, Karin Marie; Abegg, Bruno; Hanssen-Bauer, Inger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Human-induced climate change potentially impacts nature-based activities in Lofoten and may limit the attractiveness of the destination for tourists seeking recreation and adventure in the mountains. As a climate service, ...