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  • Habitatkartlegging i Mauseidvassdraget i 2024 

    Kambestad, Marius; Simonsen, Lisa Hansen (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske;559, Research report, 2024)
    Denne rapporten sammenstiller resultatene av habitatkartlegging utført av NORCE LFI i Mauseidvassdraget våren 2024. Habitat for laks og sjøørret, og menneskelige inngrep, ble kartlagt på hele anadrom strekning i Mausaelva ...
  • Habitatkartlegging av Visa i Molde kommune i 2022 

    Kambestad, Marius; Hansen Simonsen, Lisa (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske;492, Research report, 2023)
    Denne rapporten sammenstiller resultater av en habitatkartlegging utført av NORCE LFI i elven Visa i Molda kommune høsten 2022. Hele anadrom strekning ble kartlagt, inkludert sideelven Tverrelva. I tillegg ble det utført ...
  • CO2 and hydrography acquired by autonomous surface vehicles from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea: data correction and validation 

    Martellucci, Riccardo; Giani, Michele; Mauri, Elena; Coppola, Laurent; Paulsen, Melf; Fourrier, Marine; Pensieri, Sara; Cardin, Vanessa; Dentico, Carlotta; Bozzano, Roberto; Cantoni, Carolina; Lucchetta, Anna; Izquierdo, Alfredo; Bruno, Miguel; Skjelvan, Ingunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The ATL2MED demonstration experiment involved two autonomous surface vehicles from Saildrone Inc. (SD) which travelled a route from the eastern tropical North Atlantic to the Adriatic Sea between October 2019 and July 2020 ...
  • Molecular Evaluation of the Effects of FLC Homologs and Coordinating Regulators on the Flowering Responses to Vernalization in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) Genotypes 

    Ahn, Ju-Young; Subburaj, Saminathan; Yan, Fanzhuang; Yao, Jian; Chandrasekaran, Ajithan; Ahn, Kyoung-Gu; Lee, Geung-Joo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The flowering loci of cabbage must be understood to boost their productivity. In this study, to clarify the flowering mechanisms of cabbage, we examined the three flowering repressors BoFLC1, 2 and 3, and the flowering ...
  • Modalselva - en kunnskapsoppsummering 2024 

    Gabrielsen, Sven-Erik; Barlaup, Bjørn Torgeir (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2024)
    Det pågår et betydelig prosjekt for å gjenopprette laksebestanden i Modalselva, og behovet for en kunnskapsoppsummering er stort. Foreliggende rapport inkluderer data om effektene av vassdragsregulering, forsuring og ...
  • Vikja – Fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i perioden 2002–2023 

    Gabrielsen, Sven-Erik; Skår, Bjørnar (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2024)
    NORCE LFI har gjennomført fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i Vikja siden 2002 på oppdrag fra Statkraft Energi AS. I de siste årene har undersøkelsene hatt som hensikt å følge opp tidligere studier og vurdere behovet for fysiske ...
  • Kongsfjordelva - evaluering av den nye fiskepassasjen som ble etablert i 2021. 

    Gabrielsen, Sven-Erik; Wiers, Tore (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2024)
    På oppdrag fra Pasvik Kraft AS har NORCE LFI gjennomført undersøkelser av ungfisk og gytefisk i Gednjeelva, øvre del av Kongsfjordelva, fra 2021 til 2023. Hovedformålet var å evaluere effekten av den nye fiskepassasjen som ...
  • Gjenåpning og habitattiltak i Grøttekilen i Lærdalselva. 

    Gabrielsen, Sven-Erik; Skår, Bjørnar; Stranzl, Sebastian Franz (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2024)
    Basert på miljødesignprosjektet i Lærdalselva og et møte i desember 2019, ble NORCE LFI bedt om å foreslå aktuelle tiltak for Østfold Energi (ØE). Tiltaksplanen fra januar 2020 identifiserte flaskehalser i elva og foreslo ...
  • First release of the Pelagic Size Structure database: global datasets of marine size spectra obtained from plankton imaging devices 

    Dugenne, Mathilde; Corrales-Ugalde, Marco; Luo, Jessica Y; Kiko, Rainer; O'Brien, Todd D.; Irisson, Jean-Olivier; Lombard, Fabien; Stemmann, Lars; Stock, Charles; Anderson, Clarissa R.; Babin, Marcel; Bhairy, Nagib; Bonnet, Sophie; Carlotti, Francois; Cornils, Astrid; Crockford, E. Taylor; Daniel, Patrick; Desnos, Corinne; Drago, Laetitia; Elineau, Amanda; Fischer, Alexis; Grandrémy, Nina; Grondin, Pierre-Luc; Guidi, Lionel; Guieu, Cécile; Hauss, Helena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    In marine ecosystems, most physiological, ecological, or physical processes are size dependent. These include metabolic rates, the uptake of carbon and other nutrients, swimming and sinking velocities, and trophic interactions, ...
  • Uneven global retreat of persistent mountain snow cover alongside mountain warming from ERA5-land 

    Blau, Manuel Tobias; Kad, Pratik; Turton, Jenny V.; Ha, Kyung-Ja (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    The warming of mountains has become evident in recent years, with a mean global warming rate of 1.19 °C from 1979 to 2022. However, unveiling the global divergent decline of persistent mountain snow cover in the face of ...
  • Glacial-interglacial Circumpolar Deep Water temperatures during the last 800 000 years: estimates from a synthesis of bottom water temperature reconstructions 

    Chandler, David Matthew; Langebroek, Petra Margaretha (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Future climate and sea level projections depend sensitively on the response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to ocean-driven melting and the resulting freshwater fluxes into the Southern Ocean. Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) ...
  • Pathogens from salmon aquaculture in relation to conservation of wild Pacific salmon in Canada 

    Krkosek, Martin; Bateman, Andrew W.; Bass, Arthur; Bugg, William S.; Connors, Brendan M.; Deeg, Christoph M.; Di Cicco, Emiliano; Godwin, Sean; Grimm, Jaime; Krichel, Leila; Mordecai, Gideon; Morton, Alexandra; Peacock, Stephanie; Shea, Dylan; Riddell, Brian; Miller, Kristina M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The spread of pathogens from farmed salmon is a conservation concern for wild Pacific salmon in British Columbia (BC), Canada. Three pathogens are prevalent in farmed Atlantic salmon in BC, spill over to wild Pacific salmon, ...
  • Habitatkartlegging i Bondalselva i 2021 

    Mjelde Hanssen, Erlend; Kambestad, Marius (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske;543, Research report, 2024)
    Denne rapporten sammenstiller resultater av en habitatkartlegging utført av NORCE LFI i Bondalsvassdraget i Ørsta kommune våren 2021, med supplerende undersøkelser i perioden 2021-2024. Kartleggingen inkluderte selve ...
  • Projected Changes in Mountain Precipitation Under CO2-Induced Warmer Climate 

    Kad, Pratik; Ha, Kyung-Ja; Lee, Sun-Seon; Chu, Jung-Eun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    Mountains play a vital role in shaping regional and global climate, altering atmospheric circulation and precipitation patterns. To this end, identifying projected changes in mountain precipitation is significantly challenging ...
  • Future Changes in Climate and Hydroclimate Extremes in East Africa 

    Gebrechorkos, S.H.; Taye, M.T.; Birhanu, B.; Solomon, D.; Demissie, Teferi Dejene (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    Climate change is affecting the agriculture, water, and energy sectors in East Africa and the impact is projected to increase in the future. To allow adaptation and mitigation of the impacts, we assessed the changes in ...
  • Ocean warming as a trigger for irreversible retreat of the Antarctic ice sheet 

    Hill, Emily A.; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar; Chandler, David Matthew (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Warmer ocean conditions could impact future ice loss from Antarctica due to their ability to thin and reduce the buttressing of laterally confined ice shelves. Previous studies highlight the potential for a cold to warm ...
  • The 2019–21 drought in southern Madagascar 

    Barimalala, Rondrotiana; Wainwright, Caroline; Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm; Demissie, Teferi Dejene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Two consecutive failed rainy seasons in the southern part of Madagascar in 2019–21 had devastating impacts on the population, including an amplification of the ongoing food insecurity in the area. The drought events were ...
  • Characteristics of Surface “Melt Potential” over Antarctic Ice Shelves based on Regional Atmospheric Model Simulations of Summer Air Temperature Extremes from 1979/80 to 2018/19 

    Orr, Andrew; Deb, Pranab; Clem, Kyle R.; Gilbert, Ella; Bromwich, David H.; Boberg, Fredrik; Colwell, Steve; Hansen, Nicolaj; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Mooney, Priscilla A.; Mottram, Ruth; Niwano, Masashi; Phillips, Tony; Pishniak, Denys; Reijmer, Carleen H.; van de Berg, Willem Jan; Webster, Stuart; Zou, Xun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    We calculate a regional surface “melt potential” index (MPI) over Antarctic ice shelves that describes the frequency (MPI-freq; %) and intensity (MPI-int; K) of daily maximum summer temperatures exceeding a melt threshold ...
  • Microbe-mineral interactions in the Plastisphere: Coastal biogeochemistry and consequences for degradation of plastics 

    Dodhia, Maya S.; Rogers, Kelsey L.; Fernández-Juárez, Victor; Carreres-Calabuig, Joan A.; Löscher, Carolin R.; Tisserand, Amandine Aline; Keulen, Nynke; Riemann, Lasse; Shashoua, Yvonne; Posth, Nicole R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    Microbe-mineral interactions, such as mineral substrate utilization and aggregate formation, have played a key role in the cycling of elements through Earth evolution. In water, soils, and sediment biogeochemistry modulates ...
  • Characterizing Reef Net Metabolism Via the Diel Co-Variation of pH and Dissolved Oxygen From High Resolution in Situ Sensors 

    Cryer, Sarah E; Evans, Claire; Fowell, Sara E.; Andrews, Gilbert; Brown, Peter; Carvalho, Filipa; Degallerie, Diana; Ludgate, Jake; Rosado, Samir; Sanders, Richard; Strong, James A.; Theophille, Derrick; Young, Arlene; Loucaides, Socratis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    Coral reefs are subject to degradation by multiple environmental stressors which are predicted to intensify. Stress can alter ecosystem composition, with shifts from hard coral to macroalgae dominated reefs often accompanied ...

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