Viser treff 21-40 av 504

    • Sensitivity of Rainfall Extremes to Unprecedented Indian Ocean Dipole Events 

      MacLeod, David; Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm; Michaelides, Katerina; Singer, Michael B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole (pIOD) events like those in 1997 and 2019 caused significant flooding in East Africa. While future projections indicate an increase in pIOD events, limited historical data hinders a ...
    • Recommended centrifuge method: Specific grain size separation in the <63 µm fraction of marine sediments 

      Pryor, E.J.; Tangunan, D.; van der Lubbe, der; Simon, Margit Hildegard; Hall, I.R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The isolation of specific grain size classes of lithogenic samples and biogenic carbonate from the <63 µm fraction (i.e. clay and silt) of marine sediment is often a prerequisite to further pre-treatments and/or analytical ...
    • Antibiotic resistance monitoring in wastewater in the Nordic countries: A systematic review 

      Tiwari, Ananda; Krolicka, Adriana; Tran, Tam; Räisänen, Kati; Ásmundsdóttir, Ásta Margrét; Wikmark, Odd Gunnar; Lood, Rolf; Pitkänen, Tarja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) have effectively kept lower antibiotic-resistant bacterial (ARB) pathogen rates than many other countries. However, in recent years, these five countries ...
    • Reviews and syntheses: Remotely sensed optical time series for monitoring vegetation productivity 

      Kooistra, Lammert; Berger, Katja; Brede, Benjamin; Graf, Lukas Valentin; Aasen, Helge; Roujean, Jean-Louis; Machwitz, Miriam; Schlerf, Martin; Atzberger, Clement; Prikaziuk, Egor; Ganeva, Dessislava; Tomelleri, Enrico; Croft, Holly; Reyes Muñoz, Pablo; Garcia Millan, Virginia; Darvishzadeh, Roshanak; Koren, Gerbrand; Herrmann, Ittai; Rozenstein, Offer; Belda, Santiago; Rautiainen, Miina; Karlsen, Stein Rune; Figueira Silva, Cláudio; Cerasoli, Sofia; Pierre, Jon; Tanlr Kaylkçl, Emine; Halabuk, Andrej; Tunc Gormus, Esra; Fluit, Frank; Cai, Zhanzhang; Kycko, Marlena; Udelhoven, Thomas; Verrelst, Jochem (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Vegetation productivity is a critical indicator of global ecosystem health and is impacted by human activities and climate change. A wide range of optical sensing platforms, from ground-based to airborne and satellite, ...
    • On the emission-path dependency of the efficiency of ocean alkalinity enhancement 

      Schwinger, Jörg; Bourgeois, Timothée; Rickels, Wilfried (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) deliberately modifies the chemistry of the surface ocean to enhance the uptake of atmospheric CO2. The chemical efficiency of OAE (the amount of CO2 sequestered per unit of alkalinity ...
    • Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS) - a ship-based biogeochemical pilot 

      Lange, Nico; Fiedler, Björn; Álvarez, Marta; Benoit-Cattin, Alice; Benway, Heather; Buttigieg, Pier Luigi; Coppola, Laurent; Currie, Kim; Flecha, Susana; Gerlach, Dana S.; Honda, Makio; Huertas, I. Emma; Lauvset, Siv Kari; Muller-Karger, Frank; Körtzinger, Arne; O'Brien, Kevin M.; Ólafsdóttir, Sædis; Pacheco, Fernando C.; Rueda-Roa, Digna; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Wakita, Masahide; White, Angelicque; Tanhua, Toste (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The presented pilot for the Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS) includes data from 12 fixed ship-based time-series programs. The related stations represent unique open-ocean and coastal marine environments ...
    • Microplastic and PTFE contamination of food from cookware 

      Cole, Matthew; Gomiero, Alessio; Jaén-Gil, Adrián; Haave, Marte; Lusher, Amy Lorraine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Microplastics are a prolific environmental contaminant that have been evidenced in human tissues. Human uptake of microplastic occurs via inhalation of airborne fibres and ingestion of microplastic-contaminated foods and ...
    • Revealing trends in extreme heatwave intensity: Applying the UNSEEN approach to Nordic countries 

      Berghald, Sebastian; Mayer, Stephanie; Bohlinger, Patrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The increase in heatwave intensity, causing heat stress and crop failures in many regions is a concerning impact of global climate change. In northern Europe, significant interannual variability previously prevented robust ...
    • Advances in understanding of air-sea exchange and cycling of greenhouse gases in the upper ocean 

      Bange, Hermann; Mongwe, Precious; Shutler, J.D.; Arévalo-Martínez, Damian; Daniele, bianchi; Lauvset, Siv Kari; Liu, Chunying; Löscher, Carolin; Martins, Hela; Rosentreter, Judith A.; Schmale, Oliver; Steinhoff, Tobias; Upstill-Goddard, Robert C.; Wanninkhof, Richard; Wilson, Samuel T.; Xie, Huixiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The air–sea exchange and oceanic cycling of greenhouse gases (GHG), including carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2), are fundamental in controlling ...
    • First comprehensive assessment of industrial-era land heat uptake from multiple sources 

      García-Pereira, Félix; González-Rouco, Jesús Fidel; Melo-Aguilar, Camilo; Steinert, Norman; García-Bustamante, Elena; De Vrese, Philip; Jungclaus, Johann; Lorenz, Stephan; Hagemann, Stefan; Cuesta-Valero, Francisco José; García-García, Almudena; Beltrami, Hugo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The anthropogenically intensified greenhouse effect has caused a radiative imbalance at the top of the atmosphere during the industrial period. This, in turn, has led to an energy surplus in various components of the Earth ...
    • A Model-Data Comparison of the Hydrological Response to Miocene Warmth: Leveraging the MioMIP1 Opportunistic Multi-Model Ensemble 

      Acosta, R.P.; Burls, N.J.; Pound, M.J.; Bradshaw, C.D.; De Boer, Boer; Herold, N.; Huber, M.; Liu, X.; Donnadieu, Y.; Farnsworth, A.; Frigola, A.; Lunt, D.J.; von der Heydt, der; Hutchinson, D.K.; Knorr, G.; Lohmann, G.; Marzocchi, A.; Prange, M.; Sarr, A.C.; Li, Xiangyu; Zhang, Zhongshi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The Miocene (23.03–5.33 Ma) is recognized as a period with close to modern-day paleogeography, yet a much warmer climate. With large uncertainties in future hydroclimate projections, Miocene conditions illustrate a potential ...
    • The computational and energy cost of simulation and storage for climate science: lessons from CMIP6 

      Acosta, Mario C.; Palomas, Sergi; Paronuzzi Ticco, Stella V.; Utrera, Gladys; Biercamp, Joachim; Bretonniere, Pierre-Antoine; Budich, Reinhard; Castrillo, Miguel; Caubel, Arnaud; Doblas-Reyes, Francisco; Epicoco, Italo; Fladrich, Uwe; Joussaume, Sylvie; Gupta, Alok Kumar; Lawrence, Bryan; Le Sager, Philippe; Lister, Grenville; Moine, Marie-Pierre; Rioual, Jean-Christophe; Valcke, Sophie; Zadeh, Niki; Balaji, Venkatramani (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) is one of the biggest international efforts aimed at better understanding the past, present, and future of climate changes in a multi-model context. A total of 21 model ...
    • Net primary production annual maxima in the North Atlantic projected to shift in the 21st century 

      Hieronymus, Jenny; Hieronymus, Magnus; Gröger, Matthias; Schwinger, Jörg; Bernadello, Raffaele; Tourigny, Etienne; Sicardi, Valentina; Ruvalcaba Baroni, Itzel; Wyser, Klaus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Shifts in the day of peak net primary production (NPP) were detected in different biogeochemical provinces of the North Atlantic (25–65° N). Most provinces displayed a shift toward earlier peak NPP, with the largest change ...
    • Multi-year mesozooplankton flux trends in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 

      D’Angelo, Alessandra; Mayers, Kyle; Renz, Jasmin; Conese, Ilaria; Miserocchi, Stefano; Giglio, Federico; Giordano, Patrizia; Langone, Leonardo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      We conducted this study to investigate the relationship between environmental stressors and mesozooplankton fluxes in inner Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. The ongoing Arctic amplification, characterized by phenomena such as ...
    • Stratospheric influence on the winter North Atlantic storm track in subseasonal reforecasts 

      Afargan-Gerstman, Hilla; Büeler, Dominik; Wulff, Christoph Ole Wilhelm; Sprenger, Michael; Domeisen, Daniela I.V. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Extreme stratospheric polar vortex events, such as sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) or extremely strong polar vortex events, can have a significant impact on surface weather in winter. SSWs are most often associated ...
    • Effect of short-term exposure to the strobilurin fungicide dimoxystrobin: Morphofunctional, behavioural and mitochondrial alterations in Danio rerio embryos and larvae 

      Ahmed, Abdalmoiz I.M.; Macirella, Rachele; Talarico, Federica; Muoio, Mariarosaria F.; Mezzasalma, Marcello; Tronci, Valentina; Lal, Pradeep; Gharbi, Naouel; Brunelli, Elvira (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Strobilurins, among the most used fungicides worldwide, are considered non-toxic to mammals and birds, but there is growing evidence that these compounds are highly toxic to aquatic species. Dimoxystrobin has been included ...
    • Late Miocene onset of the modern Antarctic Circumpolar Current 

      Evangelinos, Dimitris; Etourneau, Johan; van de Flierdt, Tina; Crosta, Xavier; Jeandel, Catherine; Flores, José-Abel; Harwood, David M.; Valero, Luis; Ducassou, Emmanuelle; Sauermilch, Isabel; Klocker, Andreas; Cacho, Isabel; Pena, Leopoldo D.; Kreissig, Katharina; Benoit, Mathieu; Belhadj, Moustafa; Paredes, Eduardo; Garcia-Solsona, Ester; López-Quirós, Adrián; Salabarnada, Ariadna; Escutia, Carlota (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The Antarctic Circumpolar Current plays a pivotal role in global climate through its strong influence on the global overturning circulation, ocean heat and CO2 uptake. However, when and how the Antarctic Circumpolar Current ...
    • Migratory contingents of brown trout reveal variable exposure to anthropogenic threats along a fjord-river continuum 

      Lennox, Robert; Hanssen, Erlend Mjelde; Normann, Eirik; Barlaup, Bjørn Torgeir; Nilsen, Cecilie Iden; Dahlmo, Lotte Svengård; Berhe, Saron; Vollset, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Brown trout is a partially migratory salmonid that makes use of diverse habitats to maximise growth and fitness. One of the most substantial threats to brown trout is infection with pathogens from open net-pen fish farming, ...
    • An analysis of winter rain-on-snow climatology in Svalbard 

      Vickers, Hannah; Saloranta, Tuomo; Køltzow, Morten Andreas Ødegaard; van Pelt, Ward J. J.; Malnes, Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Rain-on-snow (ROS) events are becoming an increasingly common feature of the wintertime climate Svalbard in the High Arctic due to a warming climate. Changes in the frequency, intensity, and spatial distribution of wintertime ...
    • Observed interannual changes beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf linked to large-scale atmospheric circulation 

      Hattermann, Tore; Nicholls, Keith W.; Hellmer, Hartmut H.; Davis, Peter E. D.; Janout, Markus A.; Østerhus, Svein; Schlosser, Elisabeth; Rohardt, Gerd; Kanzow, Torsten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Floating ice shelves are the Achilles’ heel of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. They limit Antarctica’s contribution to global sea level rise, yet they can be rapidly melted from beneath by a warming ocean. At Filchner-Ronne Ice ...