Now showing items 61-80 of 504

    • Ten New Insights in Climate Science 2023/2024 

      Bustamante, Mercedes; Roy, Joyashree; Ospina, Daniel; Achakulwisut, Ploy; Aggarwal, Anubha; Bastos, Ana; Broadgate, Wendy; Canadell, Josep G.; Carr, Edward R.; Chen, Deliang; Cleugh, Helen A.; Ebi, Kristie L; Edwards, Clea; Farbotko, Carol; Fernández-Martínez, Marcos; Frölicher, Thomas L.; Fuss, Sabine; Geden, Oliver; Gruber, Nicolas; Harrington, Luke J.; Hauck, Judith; Hausfather, Zeke; Hebden, Sophie; Hebinck, Aniek; Huq, Saleemul; Huss, Matthias; Jamero, M. Laurice P.; Juhola, Sirkku; Kumarasinghe, Nilushi; Lwasa, Shuaib; Mallick, Bishawjit; Martin, Maria; McGreevy, Steven R.; Mirazo, Paula; Mukherji, Aditi; Muttitt, Greg; Nemet, Gregory F.; Obura, David; Okereke, Chukwumerije; Oliver, Tom; Orlove, Ben; Ouedraogo, Nadia S.; Patra, Prabir K.; Pelling, Mark; Pereira, Laura M.; Persson, Åsa; Pongratz, Julia; Prakash, Anjal; Rammig, Anja; Raymond, Colin; Redman, Aaron; Reveco, Cristobal; Rockström, Johan; Rodrigues, Regina; Rounce, David; Schipper, E. Lisa F.; Schlosser, Peter; Selomane, Odirilwe; Semieniuk, Gregor; Shin, Yunne-Jai; Siddiqui, Tasneem A.; Singh, Vartika; Sioen, Giles B.; Sokona, Youba; Detlef, Stammer; Steinert, Norman; Suk, Sunhee; Sutton, Rowan; Thalheimer, Lisa; Thompson, Vikki; Trencher, Gregory; van der Geest, Kees; Werners, Saskia E.; Wübbelmann, Thea; Wunderling, Nico; Yin, jiabo; Zickfeld, Kirsten; Zscheischler, Jakob (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Non-technical summary: We identify a set of essential recent advances in climate change research with high policy relevance, across natural and social sciences: (1) looming inevitability and implications of overshooting ...
    • Climate-driven variability of the Southern Ocean CO2 sink 

      Mayot, N.; Le Quéré, Quere; Rödenbeck, C.; Bernardello, R.; Bopp, L.; Djeutchouang, L.M.; Gehlen, M.; Gregor, L.; Gruber, N.; Hauck, J.; Iida, Y.; Ilyina, T.; Keeling, R.F.; Landschützer, P.; Manning, A.C.; Patara, L.; Resplandy, L.; Schwinger, Jörg; Séférian, R.; Watson, A.J.; Wright, R.M.; Zeng, J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Southern Ocean is a major sink of atmospheric CO2, but the nature and magnitude of its variability remains uncertain and debated. Estimates based on observations suggest substantial variability that is not reproduced ...
    • Robustness of future atmospheric circulation changes over the EURO-CORDEX domain 

      Ozturk, Tugba; Matte, Dominic; Christensen, Jens Hesselbjerg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      European climate is associated with variability and changes in the mid-latitude atmospheric circulation. In this study, we aim to investigate potential future change in circulation over Europe by using the EURO-CORDEX ...
    • Identifying robust bias adjustment methods for European extreme precipitation in a multi-model pseudo-reality setting 

      Schmith, Torben; Thejll, Peter; Berg, Peter; Boberg, Fredrik; Bøssing Christensen, Ole; Christiansen, Bo; Christensen, Jens Hesselbjerg; Sloth Madsen, Marianne; Steger, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Severe precipitation events occur rarely and are often localised in space and of short duration, but they are important for societal managing of infrastructure. Therefore, there is a demand for estimating future changes ...
    • Spatial extent of precipitation events: when big is getting bigger 

      Matte, Dominic; Christensen, Jens Hesselbjerg; Ozturk, Tugba (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Using a sub-selection of regional climate models at 0.11° ( 12 km) grid resolution from the EURO-CORDEX ensemble, we investigate how the spatial extent of areas associated with the most intensive daily precipitation events ...
    • Proteomic Profile of Glyphosate-Resistant Soybean under Combined Herbicide and Drought Stress Conditions 

      Benevenuto, Rafael Fonseca; Zanatta, Caroline Bedin; Guerra, Miguel Pedro; Nodari, Rubens Onofre; Agapito, Sarah Zanon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      While some genetically modified (GM) plants have been targeted to confer tolerance to abiotic stressors, transgenes are impacted by abiotic stressors, causing adverse effects on plant physiology and yield. However, routine ...
    • Combining biological processes with UV/H2O2 for metoprolol and metoprolol acid removal in hospital wastewater 

      Jaén-Gil, Adrián; Buttiglieri, Gianluigi; Benito, Aleix; Mir-Tutusaus, Josep Anton; Gonzalez-Olmos, Rafael; Caminal, Glòria; Barceló, Damià; Sarrà, Montserrat; Rodríguez-Mozaz, Sara (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The transformation products (TPs) of water contaminants generated during wastewater treatment can sometimes be equally or even more hazardous than the parent compounds. Therefore, for a comprehensive assessment of removal ...
    • Effects of chronic exposure to the water-soluble fraction of crude oil and in situ burn residue of oil on egg-bearing Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) 

      Keitel-Gröner, Frederike; Bamber, Shaw Duncan; Bechmann, Renée Katrin; Lyng, Emily; Gomiero, Alessio; Tronci, Valentina; Gharbi, Naouel; Engen, Frode; Taban, Ingrid Christina; Baussant, Thierry (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Oil spill clean-up measures using in situ burning can potentially result in seafloor contamination affecting benthic organisms. To mimic realistic exposure and measure effects, ovigerous Northern shrimp were continuously ...
    • Prospects on coupling UV/H2O2 with activated sludge or a fungal treatment for the removal of pharmaceutically active compounds in real hospital wastewater 

      Mir-Tutusaus, Josep Anton; Jaén-Gil, Adrián; Barceló, Damià; Buttiglieri, Gianluigi; Gonzalez-Olmos, Rafael; Rodríguez-Mozaz, Sara; Caminal, Glòria; Sarrà, Montserrat (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Conventional active sludge (AS) process at municipal centralized wastewater treatment facilities may exhibit little pharmaceuticals (PhACs) removal efficiencies when treating hospital wastewater (HWW). Therefore, a dedicated ...
    • A Brief Perspective on Environmental Science in the Anthropocene: Recalibrating, Rethinking and Re-Evaluating to Meet the Challenge of Complexity 

      Khan, Farhan; Croft, Stephanie Storebjerg; Herrando, Elisa Escabia; Kandylas, Athanasios; Meyerjuergens, Tabea; Rayner, Dylan; Schulte, Juliane; Løgmansbø, Ingemar Valdemarson (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      A convincing case has been made that the scale of human activity has reached such pervasiveness that humans are akin to a force of nature. How environmental science responds to the many new challenges of the Anthropocene ...
    • Eukaryotic biodiversity and spatial patterns in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone and other abyssal regions: insights from sediment DNA and RNA metabarcoding 

      Lejzerowicz, Franck; Gooday, Andrew J.; Barrenechea Angeles, Inès; Cordier, Tristan; Morard, Raphael; Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil, Laure; Lins, Lidia; Menot, Lenaick; Brandt, Angelika; Levin, Lisa A.; Martinez Arbizu, Pedro; Smith, Craig R.; Pawlowski, Jan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The abyssal seafloor is a mosaic of highly diverse habitats that represent the least known marine ecosystems on Earth. Some regions enriched in natural resources, such as polymetallic nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone ...
    • Opportunities for an African greenhouse gas observation system 

      Merbold, Lutz; Scholes, Robert J.; Acosta, Manuel; Beck, Johannes; Bombelli, Antonio; Fiedler, Bjorn; Grieco, Elisa; Helmschroth, Joerg; Hugo, Wim; Kasurinen, Ville; Kim, Dong-Gill; Körtzinger, Arne; Leitner, Sonja; López-Ballesteros, Ana; Ndisi, Mylene; Nickless, Aecia; Salmon, Emmanuel; Saunders, Matthew; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Vermeulen, Alexander T.; Kutsch, Werner Leo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Global population projections foresee the biggest increase to occur in Africa with most of the available uncultivated land to ensure food security remaining on the continent. Simultaneously, greenhouse gas emissions are ...
    • The transient sensitivity of sea level rise 

      Grinsted, Aslak; Christensen, Jens Hesselbjerg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Recent assessments from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) imply that global mean sea level is unlikely to rise more than about 1.1 m within this century but will increase further beyond 2100. Even within ...
    • Conversion of forest to agriculture increases colored dissolved organic matter in a subtropical catchment and adjacent coastal environment 

      Felgate, Stacey L.; Barry, Christopher D.; Mayor, Daniel J.; Sanders, Richard; Carrias, Abel; Young, Arlene; Fitch, Alice; Mayorga-Adame, Claudia G; Andrews, Gilbert; Brittain, Hannah; Cryer, Sarah E.; Evans, Chris D.; Goddard-Dwyer, Millie; Holt, Jason T.; Hughes, Bettany K.; Lapworth, Dan J.; Pinder, Adam; Price, David M.; Rosado, Samir; Evans, Claire (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Land-ocean dissolved organic matter (DOM) transport is a significant and changing term in global biogeochemical cycles which is increasing as a result of human perturbation, including land-use change. Knowledge of the ...
    • Surface atmospheric forcing as the driver of long-term pathways and timescales of ocean ventilation 

      Marzocchi, Alice; Nurser, A.J. George; Clément, Louis; McDonagh, Elaine Louise (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The ocean takes up 93 % of the excess heat in the climate system and approximately a quarter of the anthropogenic carbon via air–sea fluxes. Ocean ventilation and subduction are key processes that regulate the transport ...
    • Genetic characterization of AmpC and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) phenotypes in Escherichia coli and Salmonella from Alberta poultry 

      Tran, Tam; Checkley, Sylvia; Caffrey, Niamh; Mainali, Chunu; Gow, Sheryl; Agunos, Agnes; Liljebjelke, Karen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Horizontal gene transfer is an important mechanism which facilitates bacterial populations in overcoming antimicrobial treatment. In this study, a total of 120 Escherichia coli and 62 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica ...
    • Drivers of Subseasonal Forecast Errors of the East African Short Rains 

      Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm; MacLeod, D.; Demissie, Teferi Dejene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The ‘short rains’ in East Africa from October to December have significant year-to-year variability. Their abundance or deficiency is often associated with floods or droughts for which early warning is crucial, though even ...
    • Dissolved inorganic nutrients in the western Mediterranean Sea (2004–2017) 

      Belgacem, Malek; Chiggiato, Jacopo; Borghini, Mireno; Pavoni, Bruno; Cerrati, Gabriella; Acri, Francesco; Cozzi, Stefano; Ribotti, Alberto; Alvarez, Marta; Lauvset, Siv Kari; Schroeder, Katrin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Long-term time series are a fundamental prerequisite to understanding and detecting climate shifts and trends. Understanding the complex interplay of changing ocean variables and the biological implication for marine ...
    • Dissolution Dominates Silica Cycling in a Shelf Sea Autumn Bloom 

      Poulton, Alex J.; Mayers, Kyle; Daniels, Christopher J; Stinchcombe, Mark C; Woodward, E. Malcolm S.; Hopkins, Joanne; Wihsgott, Julianne U; Widdicombe, Claire E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Small marine microalgae called diatoms are responsible for significant levels of primary production in support of marine ecosystems. Diatom cells are formed from silica dissolved in seawater; however, diatom cells may also ...
    • Impaired short-term functioning of a benthic community from a deep Norwegian fjord following deposition of mine tailings and sediments 

      Mevenkamp, Lisa; Stratmann, Tanja; Guilini, Katja; Moodley, Leon; Van Oevelen, Dick; Vanreusel, Ann; Westerlund, Stig; Sweetman, Andrew Kvassnes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      The extraction of minerals from land-based mines necessitates the disposal of large amounts of mine tailings. Dumping and storage of tailings into the marine environment, such as fjords, is currently being performed without ...