Now showing items 121-140 of 504

    • The stability of present-day Antarctic grounding lines - Part 2: Onset of irreversible retreat of Amundsen Sea glaciers under current climate on centennial timescales cannot be excluded 

      Reese, Ronja; Garbe, Julius; Hill, Emily; Urruty, Benoit; Naughten, Kaitlin; Gagliardini, Olivier; Durand, Gael; Gillet-Chaulet, Fabien; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar; Chandler, David Matthew; Langebroek, Petra; Winkelmann, Ricarda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Observations of ocean-driven grounding-line retreat in the Amundsen Sea Embayment in Antarctica raise the question of an imminent collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Here we analyse the committed evolution of Antarctic ...
    • Nitrogen fixation rates in the Guinea Dome and the equatorial upwelling regions in the Atlantic Ocean 

      Fernández‑Carrera, Ana; Kiko, Rainer; Hauss, Helena; Hamilton, Douglas S.; Achterberg, Eric P.; Montoya, Joseph P.; Dengler, Marcus; Brandt, Peter; Subranamiam, Ajit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Biological nitrogen fixation is a key process balancing the loss of combined nitrogen in the marine nitrogen cycle. Its relevance in upwelling or high nutrient regions is still unclear, with the few available studies in ...
    • Two centuries of southwest Iceland annually-resolved marine temperature reconstructed from Arctica islandica shells 

      Mette, Madelyn; Andersson, Carin; Schöne, B.R.; Bonitz, Fabian; Melvik, V.; Trofimova, Tamara; Miles, Martin W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Iceland's exposure to major ocean current pathways of the central North Atlantic makes it a useful location for developing long-term proxy records of past marine climate. Such records provide more detailed understanding ...
    • Simulations of ocean deoxygenation in the historical era: insights from forced and coupled models 

      Takano, Yohei; Ilyina, Tatiana; Tjiputra, Jerry; Eddebbar, Yassir A.; Berthet, Sarah; Bopp, Laurent; Buitenhuis, Erik; Butenschön, Momme; Christian, James R.; Dunne, John P.; Gröger, Matthias; Hayashida, Hakase; Hieronymus, Jenny; Koenigk, Torben; Krasting, John P.; Long, Mathew C.; Lovato, Tomas; Nakano, Hideyuki; Palmieri, Julien; Schwinger, Jörg; Séférian, Roland; Suntharalingam, Parvadha; Tatebe, Hiroaki; Tsujino, Hiroyuki; Urakawa, Shogo; Watanabe, Michio; Yool, Andrew (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Ocean deoxygenation due to anthropogenic warming represents a major threat to marine ecosystems and fisheries. Challenges remain in simulating the modern observed changes in the dissolved oxygen (O2). Here, we present an ...
    • The stability of present-day Antarctic grounding lines-Part 1: No indication of marine ice sheet instability in the current geometry 

      Hill, Emily A.; Urruty, Benoit; Reese, Ronja; Garbe, Julius; Gagliardini, Olivier; Durand, Gael; Gillet-Chaulet, Fabien; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar; Winkelmann, Ricarda; Chekki, Mondher; Chandler, David Matthew; Langebroek, Petra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Theoretical and numerical work has shown that under certain circumstances grounding lines of marine-type ice sheets can enter phases of irreversible advance and retreat driven by the marine ice sheet instability (MISI). ...
    • The Multi-Scale Interactions of Atmospheric Phenomenon in Mean and Extreme Precipitation 

      Prein, Andreas F.; Mooney, Priscilla; Done, James M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Climate change increases the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation, which in combination with rising population enhances exposure to major floods. An improved understanding of the atmospheric processes that cause ...
    • Regional water cycle sensitivity to afforestation: synthetic numerical experiments for tropical Africa 

      Arnault, Joël; Mwanthi, Anthony Musili; Portele, Tanja; Li, Lu; Rummler, Thomas; Fersch, Benjamin; Hassan, Mohammed Abdullahi; Bahaga, Titike Kassa; Zhang, Zhenyu; Mortey, Eric Mensah; Achugbu, Ifeany Chukwudi; Moutahir, Hassane; Sy, Souleymane; Wei, Jianhui; Laux, Patrick; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter; Kunstmann, Harald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Afforestation as a climate change mitigation option has been the subject of intense debate and study over the last few decades, particularly in the tropics where agricultural activity is expanding. However, the impact of ...
    • It's a small world for parasites: evidence supporting the North American invasion of European Echinococcus multilocularis 

      Santa, Maria A.; Umhang, Gerald; Klein, Claudia; Grant, Danielle; Ruckstuhl, Kathreen E.; Musiani, Marco; Gilleard, John S.; Massolo, Alessandro (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Echinococcus multilocularis (Em), the causative agent of human alveolar echinococcosis (AE), is present in the Holarctic region, and several genetic variants deem to have differential infectivity and pathogenicity. An ...
    • Irreversible loss in marine ecosystem habitability after a temperature overshoot 

      Santana-Falcòn, Yeray; Yamamoto, Akitomo; Lenton, Andrew; Jones, Chris D.; Burger, Friedrich A.; John, Jasmin G.; Tjiputra, Jerry; Schwinger, Jörg; Kawamiya, Michio; Frölicher, Thomas L.; Ziehn, Tilo; Séférian, Roland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Anthropogenic warming of the oceans and associated deoxygenation are altering marine ecosystems. Current knowledge suggests these changes may be reversible on a centennial timescale at the ocean surface but irreversible ...
    • Establishment of targeted mutagenesis in soybean protoplasts using CRISPR/Cas9 RNP delivery via electro−transfection 

      Subburaj, Saminathan; Agapito-Tenfen, Sarah Zanon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The soybean (Glycine max L.) is an important crop with high agronomic value. The improvement of agronomic traits through gene editing techniques has broad application prospects in soybean. The polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated ...
    • A Regime View of ENSO Flavors Through Clustering in CMIP6 Models 

      Ayar, Pradeebane Vaittinada; Battisti, David Stephen; Li, Camille; King, Martin; Vrac, Mathieu; Tjiputra, Jerry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) flavors in the tropical Pacific are studied from a regime perspective. Five recurring spatial patterns or regimes characterizing the diversity of ENSO are established using a clustering ...
    • Atlantic inflow and low sea-ice cover in the Nordic Seas promoted Fennoscandian Ice Sheet growth during the Last Glacial Maximum 

      Simon, Margit Hildegard; Rutledal, Sunniva; Menviel, Laurie; Zolles, Tobias; Haflidason, Haflidi; Born, Andreas; Berben, Sarah Miche Patricia; Dokken, Trond Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Atlantic water inflow into the Nordic Seas has proven difficult to reconstruct for the Last Glacial Maximum. At that time, the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet grew potentially to its maximum extent. Sea-ice free conditions in ...
    • Decadal Trends in the Oceanic Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon From 1994 to 2014 

      Müller, Jens Daniel; Gruber, N.; Carter, B.; Feely, R.; Ishii, M.; Lange, N.; Lauvset, Siv Kari; Murata, A.; Olsen, Are; Pérez, F.F.; Sabine, C.; Tanhua, T.; Wanninkhof, R.; Zhu, D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The oceanic uptake and resulting storage of the anthropogenic CO2 (Cant) that humans have emitted into the atmosphere moderates climate change. Yet our knowledge about how this uptake and storage has progressed in time ...
    • Representation of soil hydrology in permafrost regions may explain large part of inter-model spread in simulated Arctic and subarctic climate 

      de Vrese, Philipp; Georgievski, Goran; Gonzalez Rouco, Jesus Fidel; Notz, Dirk; Stacke, Tobias; Steinert, Norman; Wilkenskjeld, Stiig; Brovkin, Victor (Journal article, 2023)
      The current generation of Earth system models exhibits large inter-model differences in the simulated climate of the Arctic and subarctic zone, with differences in model structure and parametrizations being one of the main ...
    • Revisiting the Mechanisms of ENSO Response to Tropical Volcanic Eruptions 

      Pausata, Francesco S. Rocco; Zhao, Yang; Zanchettin, Davide; Caballero, Rodrigo; Battisti, David Stephen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Stratospheric volcanic aerosol can have major impacts on global climate. Despite a consensus among studies on an El Niño-like response in the first or second post-eruption year, the mechanisms that trigger a change in the ...
    • Quantifying the Intra-Habitat Variation of Seagrass Beds with Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) 

      Price, David M.; Felgate, Stacey L.; Huvenne, Veerle A. I.; Strong, James; Carpenter, Stephen; Barry, Chris; Lichtschlag, Anna; Sanders, Richard; Carrias, Abel; Young, Arlene; Andrade, Valdemar; Cobb, Eliceo; Le Bas, Tim; Brittain, Hannah; Evans, Claire (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Accurate knowledge of the spatial extent of seagrass habitats is essential for monitoring and management purposes given their ecological and economic significance. Extent data are typically presented in binary (presence/absence) ...
    • Improving interpretation of sea-level projections through a machine-learning-based local explanation approach 

      Rohmer, Jeremy; Thiéblemont, Rémi; Le Cozannet, G.; Goelzer, Heiko; Durand, Gaël (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Process-based projections of the sea-level contribution from land ice components are often obtained from simulations using a complex chain of numerical models. Because of their importance in supporting the decision-making ...
    • Tracking the impacts of precipitation phase changes through the hydrologic cycle in snowy regions: From precipitation to reservoir storage 

      Wrzesien, Melissa L.; Pavelsky, Tamlin M.; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter; Huning, Laurie S.; Cohen, Jonathan S.; Herman, Jonathan D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Cool season precipitation plays a critical role in regional water resource management in the western United States. Throughout the twenty-first century, regional precipitation will be impacted by rising temperatures and ...
    • Sources, Composition, and Export of Particulate Organic Matter Across British Estuaries 

      García-Martín, E. Elena; Sanders, Richard; Evans, Chris D.; Kitidis, Vassilis; Lapworth, Dan J.; Spears, Bryan M.; Tye, Andy; Williamson, Jennifer L.; Balfour, Chris; Best, Mike; Bowes, Michael; Breimann, Sarah; Brown, Ian J.; Burden, Annette; Callaghan, Nathan; Dise, Nancy B.; Farr, Gareth; Felgate, Stacey L.; Fishwick, James; Fraser, Mike; Gibb, Stuart; Gilbert, Pete J.; Godsell, Nina; Gomez-Castillo, Africa P.; Hargreaves, Geoff; Harris, Carolyn; Jones, Oban; Kennedy, Paul; Lichtschlag, Anna; Martin, Adrian P.; May, Rebecca; Mawji, Edward; Mounteney, Ian; Nightingale, Philip D.; Olszewska, Justyna P.; Painter, Stuart C.; Pearce, Christopher R.; Pereira, M. Glória; Peel, Kate; Pickard, Amy; Stephens, John A.; Stinchcombe, Mark; Thornton, Barry; Woodward, E. Malcolm S.; Yarrow, Deborah; Mayor, Daniel J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Estuaries receive and process a large amount of particulate organic carbon (POC) prior to its export into coastal waters. Studying the origin of this POC is key to understanding the fate of POC and the role of estuaries ...
    • Food anticipatory behaviour on European seabass in sea cages: activity-, positioning-, and density-based approaches 

      Chen, I-Hao; Georgopoulou, Dimitra G.; Ebbesson, Lars; Voskakis, Dimitris; Lal, Pradeep; Papandroulakis, Nikos (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Farmed fish like European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) anticipate meals if these are provided at one or multiple fixed times during the day. The increase in locomotor activity is typically known as food anticipatory ...