Project report on WP1 outcomes relevant to other WPs
Stork, Anna; Butcher, Antony; Zhou, Wen; Kendall, J.Michael; Hudson, Thomas; Paap, Bob; Boullenger, Boris; Vandeveijer, Vincent; Lien, Marta; Fageraas, Bjarte; Thomas, Peters; Ködel, Uta; Thiem, Lukas; Landrø, Martin; Bond, Tiziana; Mendrinos, Dimitrios
This report summaries some of the key technologies that have been studied and developed through WP1 with the purpose of transferring these finding to other WPs in the DigiMon project. The objective of the DigiMon project is to develop an early-warning system for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) which utilises a broad range of sensor technologies including Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). While the system is primarily focused on the CCS projects located in the shallow offshore environment of the North Sea, it is also intended to be adaptable to onshore settings.
Some of the key areas that the systems will monitor include the movement of the plume within the reservoir, well integrity and CO2 leakage into the overburden. A combination of different methods will be adopted to monitor these key areas, which include active and passive seismics, gravimetry, temperature and chemical sensing. This report focuses on technology and methods which have been developed by the DigiMon project and is not intended as a technology review, which is instead the focus of the DigiMon deliverable 2.3 Technology Readiness Assessment.