Recent Submissions

  • pyopmspe11: A Python framework using OPM Flow for the SPE11 benchmark project 

    Landa-Marbán, David; Sandve, Tor Harald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)
    The imperative to achieve climate change goals and the increasing worldwide demand for energy have made geological carbon storage (GCS) technology more relevant today. Since utilizing computational models is essential for ...
  • Mulige negative konsekvenser av rydding 

    Bødtker, Gunhild; Bastesen, Eivind; Guribye, Eugene (Research report, 2024)
    Som del av prosjektet Rydderisk - Beslutningsmatrise for effektiv og skånsom rydding av ulike miljøer, har vi undersøkt kunnskapsgrunnlaget om negative virkninger av plastrydding. Det ble gjennomført en litteraturstudie ...
  • Grunnlag for valg av ryddestrategi 

    Bødtker, Gunhild; Bastesen, Eivind (Research report, 2024)
    Som del av prosjektet Rydderisk - Beslutningsmatrise for effektiv og skånsom rydding av ulike miljøer, har vi undersøkt mulige negative miljøvirkninger av rydding av plast. En konseptuell beslutningsmatrise er etablert som ...
  • Future Perspectives - where do we go from here? 

    Koerdt, Andrea; Samojluk, Jerzy; An Stepec, Biwen Annie (Chapter, 2024)
    This book chapter offers an insightful exploration into the diverse landscape of renewable energy technologies, with a specific focus on the pivotal role played by microorganisms in influencing their efficiency and ...
  • Petroleum Microbiology's Metamorphosis: Expert Insights on the Energy Transition 

    An-Stepec, Biwen; Wunch, Kenneth; Skovhus, Torben Lund; R. de Rezende, Julia; Pichler, Markus; Purnima Kotu, Susmitha; Gasda, Sarah Eileen; Dopffel, Nicole (Others, 2024)
    In the dynamic landscape of today’s energy sector, the shift from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources has become a focal point of exploration and innovation. Yet, microorganisms continue to be a dominant player amid ...
  • Borehole Optical Fibre Distributed Temperature Sensing vs. Manual Temperature Logging for Geothermal Condition Assessment: Results of the OptiSGE Project 

    Klonowski, Maciej Rudolf; Nermoen, Anders; Thomas, Peter James; Wyrwalska, Urszula; Pratkowiecka, Weronika; Ładocha, Agnieszka; Midttømme, Kirsti; Brytan, Pawel; Krzonkalla, Anna; Maćko, Adrianna; Zawistowski, Karol; Duczmańska-Kłonowska, Jolanta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Geothermal energy is a crucial component contributing to the development of local thermal energy systems as a carbon-neutral and reliable energy source. Insights into its availability derive from knowledge of geology, ...
  • An analytical 1D model for computing low-frequency electromagnetic fields in material layers: Application to metallurgical furnaces 

    Fromreide, Mads; Gómez, Dolores; Halvorsen, Svenn Anton; Salgado, Pilar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)
    An analytical one-dimensional model for the distribution of electric fields within multiple material layers is developed and analyzed. The model originates from the study of large three-phase electric smelting furnaces for ...
  • Multi-objective reservoir production optimization: Minimizing CO2 emissions and maximizing profitability 

    Oliver, Dean; Raanes, Patrick N.; Skorstad, Arne; Sætrom, Jon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)
    Large amounts of energy are consumed and greenhouse gasses are emitted in the process of extracting oil and gas from offshore fields. We investigate methods for solving the multi-objective production optimization for ...
  • Sensitivity analysis for multi-measurement points based SHM in the mooring lines of floating offshore wind turbines 

    Sakaris, Christos; Anastasiadis, Nikolaos; Schlanbusch, Rune; Kandukuri, Surya Teja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Structural health monitoring in floating offshore wind turbines' mooring lines is vital for detecting early faults and preventing disruptions. Currently, sporadic and expensive monitoring is conducted via remote-operating ...
  • Clock Synchronization and Timestamping of Data on Acquisition at the Wellsite: Guidelines and Recommendations 

    Annaiyappa, Pradeep; Macpherson, John D.; Cayeux, Eric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    Due to the nature of drilling operations, there are several companies collecting data at the rig. The data acquisition system of each company applies its own timestamp to the data. Subsequent aggregation of data (for ...
  • Automated snow avalanche monitoring for Austria: State of the art and roadmap for future work 

    Kapper, Kathrin Lisa; Goelles, Thomas; Muckenhuber, Stefan; Trügler, Andreas; Abermann, Jakob; Schlager, Birgit; Gaisberger, Christoph; Eckerstorfer, Markus; Grahn, Jakob; Malnes, Eirik; Prokop, Alexander; Schöner, Wolfgang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    Avalanches pose a significant threat to the population and infrastructure of mountainous regions. The mapping and documentation of avalanches in Austria is mostly done by experts during field observations and covers usually ...
  • Self-Attenuation of Drillstring Torsional Vibrations Using Distributed Dampers 

    Cayeux, Eric; Ambrus, Adrian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    During drilling operations, drillstring vibrations cause many downhole dysfunctions, resulting in underperformance, equipment failure, and possibly wellbore damage. Current drillstring vibration mitigation solutions are ...
  • Investigation of field scenarios using a 4n degrees of freedom transient torque and drag model 

    Ambrus, Adrian; Cayeux, Eric; Shor, Roman (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    A coupled drill string dynamics model presents an opportunity to understand, replicate and potentially control the vibrations occurring along a drill string in a deep well. This paper describes a 4n degrees of freedom ...
  • The Performance of Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Tracking the Movement of Road Vehicles 

    Thomas, Peter James; Heggelund, Yngve; Klepsvik, Inge; Cook, Jeremy; Kolltveit, Erling; Vaa, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    In this paper we introduce Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and discuss its potential application in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). We present the fundamentals of the technology and data processing methods ...
  • Induced Currents in the Lining and Steel Shell of Submerged Arc Furnaces 

    Fromreide, Mads; Gómez, Dolores; Halvorsen, Svenn Anton; Salgado, Pilar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    Numerical models in 2D and 3D are used to study induced currents in the lining and steel shell of large three-phase submerged arc furnaces. The alternating currents supplied through the electrodes cause a significant amount ...
  • Advances in InSAR Analysis of Permafrost Terrain 

    Zwieback, S.; Liu, L.; Rouyet, Line; Short, N.; Strozzi, T. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is a remote sensing technique for measuring surface displacements with precision down to millimeters, most commonly from satellites. In permafrost landscapes, ...
  • Data Rate Performance of Mobile Multiuser MIMO Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems 

    Pottier, Antony; Bouvet, Pierre-Jean; Tomasi, Beatrice; Vanwynsberghe, Charles (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This article presents a study of the Multiuser Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MU-MIMO) Method for the multiple access of multiuser mobile underwater acoustic communications. Orthogonal multiple access schemes, such as ...
  • Underground Hydrogen Storage: Technology Monitor Report 

    van Gessel, Serge; Hajibeygi, Hadi; Edlmann, Katriona; Dopffel, Nicole; Xie, Quan; Hough, Ed; Groenenberg, Remco; Yallup, Christine; Greco, Gianluca; Réveillère, Arnaud; Schultz, Richard; Van Noort, Reinier (Research report, 2023)
  • An agenda for the future of Arctic snow research: the view from Svalbard 

    Zdanowicz, Christian; Gallet, Jean-Charles; Salvatori, Rosamaria; Malnes, Eirik; Isaksen, Ketil; Hübner, Christiane E.; Jones, Eleanor; Lihavainen, Heikki (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    The Arctic region is warming at over twice the mean rate of the Northern Hemisphere and nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979. The local rate of warming is even higher in the European archipelago of Svalbard. ...
  • A techno-economic Analysis Tool for Regional CO2 Capture, Transport, Use and Storage Scenarios 

    Nermoen, Anders; Berenblyum, Roman; Coussy, Paula; Guichet, Xavier; Canteli, Paula; Orio, Roberto Martínez; Mesquita, Paulo H. C; Carneiro, Julio; Khrulenko, Alexey A.; Rocha, Paulo (Lecture, 2022)

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