• Advanced Sentinel-1 Analysis Ready Data for Africa (ESA EO4SD: SAR-4-Africa), D5 – Final Report 

      Haarpaintner, Jörg; Hindberg, Heidi; Yitayew, Temesgen Gebrie; Arntzen, Ingar M.; Main, Russel (Research report, 2020)
      Sentinel-1 (S1) of the European Copernicus Program provide consistent global cloud-independent synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. However, there is a strong reluctance to use SAR data because of its complexity. Combined ...
    • ESA DUE Innovator III SAR for REDD – D2.3 Final Report. (5/2018) 

      Haarpaintner, Jörg (Research report, 2018)
    • Mapping Atmospheric Exposure of the Intertidal Zone with Sentinel-1 CSAR in Northern Norway 

      Haarpaintner, Jörg; Davids, Corine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The intertidal zone (ITZ) is a highly dynamic and diverse coastal ecosystem under pressure that provides important eco-services. Being periodically under water makes it challenging to monitor, and the only possibility to ...
    • Remote Sensing Insights into Land Cover Dynamics and Socio-Economic Drivers:The Case of Mtendeli Refugee Camp, Tanzania (2016-2022) 

      Gromny, Ewa; Jenerowicz-Sanikowska, Małgorzata; Haarpaintner, Jörg; Aleksandrowicz, Sebastian; Woźniak, Edyta; Pesquer Mayos, Lluís; Chułek, Magdalena; Sobczak-Szelc, Karolina; Wawrzaszek, Anna; Sala, Szymon; Espegren, Astrid; Starczewski, Daniel; Pawlak, Zofia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      The purpose of this article is to present the scope and the dynamics of the environmental changes unfolded in the vicinity of Mtendeli refugee camp. It presents a new method, which combines geospatial analysis of high-resolution ...
    • Satellite Based Intertidal-Zone Mapping from Sentinel-1&2 

      Haarpaintner, Jörg; Davids, Corine (Research report, 2020)
      The report describes developed methods and results based on radar and optical high resolution (10-20m) satellite imagery from Sentinel-1 C-band synthetic aperture radars (C-SAR) S1A and S1B and Sentinel-2 MultiSpectral ...
    • Satellite-Based National Intertidal-Zone Mapping of Continental Norway with Sentinel-1&2 

      Haarpaintner, Jörg; Davids, Corine; Hindberg, Heidi; Arntzen, Ingar M.; Borch, Njål Trygve (Research report, 2021)
      The report describes updated methods that were originally developed in Haarpaintner & Davids (2020) to map the intertidal zone, in terms of atmospheric exposure, type and areal extent, based on radar and optical high ...
    • SENBYGG 

      Malnes, Eirik; Anfinsen, Stian Normann; Lauknes, Tom Rune; Haarpaintner, Jörg; Wendt, Lotte; Grahn, Jakob (Research report, 2023)
      Rapporten dokumenterer resultater fra prosjektet SENBYGG der Statens kartverk er oppdragsgiver. Prosjektet har som formål å detektere bygningsendringer (nybygg, tilbygg eller revet bygg) ved hjelp av radarsatellittene ...