Now showing items 481-500 of 1636

    • The sensitivity of the Eocene-Oligocene Southern Ocean to the strength and position of wind stress 

      Xing, Qianjiang; Munday, David; Klocker, Andreas; Sauermilch, Isabel; Whittaker, Joanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The early Cenozoic opening of the Tasmanian Gateway (TG) and Drake Passage (DP), alongside the synergistic action of the westerly winds, led to a Southern Ocean transition from large, subpolar gyres to the onset of the ...
    • Biogeochemical impacts of fish farming on coastal sediments: Insights into the functional role of cable bacteria 

      Vasquez-Cardenas, Diana; Hidalgo-Martinez, Silvia; Hulst, Lucas; Thorleifsdottir, Thorgerdur; Helgason, Gudmundur Vidir; Eiriksson, Thorleifur; Geelhoed, Jeanine S.; Ágústsson, Thorleifur; Moodley, Leon; Meysman, Filip J. R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Fish farming in sea cages is a growing component of the global food industry. A prominent ecosystem impact of this industry is the increase in the downward flux of organic matter, which stimulates anaerobic mineralization ...
    • Expected climate change consequences and their role in explaining individual risk judgments 

      Gregersen, Thea Johansen; Doran, Rouven; Bøhm, Gisela Petra; Pfister, Hans-Rudiger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study examines what individuals expect will be the most important impacts of climate change on their respective countries, and how these expectations relate to individual risk judgments. Open-ended responses from ...
    • Field-scale impacts of long-term wettability alteration in geological CO2 storage 

      Kassa, Abay; Gasda, Sarah Eileen; Landa-Marbán, David; Sandve, Tor Harald; Kumar, Kundan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Constitutive functions that govern macroscale capillary pressure and relative permeability are central in constraining both storage efficiency and sealing properties of storage systems. Constitutive functions for porous ...
    • In the green? Perceptions of hydrogen production methods among the Norwegian public 

      Bentsen, Henrik Litleré; Skiple, Jon Kåre; Gregersen, Thea Johansen; Derempouka, Efthymia; Skjold, Trygve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article presents findings from a representative survey, fielded through the Norwegian Citizen Panel, examining public perceptions of hydrogen fuel and its different production methods. Although several countries, ...
    • Predation by Eurasian otters on adult Atlantic salmon 

      Sortland, Lene; Lennox, Robert; Vollset, Knut; Velle, Gaute (Master thesis, 2022)
      The return of the Eurasian otter to western Norway has sparked human-predator conflicts as otters prey on vulnerable Atlantic salmon populations. Although predation may not be the direct cause of salmon population declines, ...
    • Physiology as a tool for at-risk animal recovery planning: An analysis of Canadian recovery strategies with global recommendations 

      Madliger, Christine L.; Creighton, Maria J. A.; Raby, Graham D.; Bennett, Joseph R.; Birnie-Gauvin, Kim; Lennox, Robert; Cooke, Steven J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Many government organizations use recovery planning to synthesize threats, propose management strategies, and determine recovery criteria for threatened wildlife. Little is known about the extent to which physiological ...
    • Ethical ecosurveillance: Mitigating the potential impacts on humans of widespread environmental monitoring 

      Young, Nathan; Roche, Dominique G.; Lennox, Robert; Bennett, Joseph R.; Cooke, Steven J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Ecosurveillance has proliferated in recent years, generating vast amounts of data on the natural environment. Ecosurveillance also has significant potential impacts on humans; therefore, researchers and policymakers need ...
    • Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Arctic: comparing the ways of organizing voluntary work in Northwest Russia and Northern Norway. 

      Nygaard, Vigdis; Riabova, Larissa (Journal article, 2022)
      This Research Communication presents preliminary results of an ongoing Russian-Norwegian research project about volunteer work in two border regions in the Arctic –– Troms and Finnmark county in Norway and Murmansk oblast ...
    • Frivilligsentralane i Noreg: Har dei ein bindeleddsfunksjon? 

      Eimhjellen, Ivar; Guribye, Eugene (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Eit av mange tiltak for å stimulere til meir frivillig arbeid på velferdsfeltet har vore konseptet om frivilligsentralar. Til forskjell frå i andre land har frivilligsentralane i Noreg frå oppstarten av vore fokuserte på ...
    • On the Organisation of Translation—An Inter- and Transdisciplinary Approach to Developing Design Options for CO2 Storage Monitoring Systems 

      Otto, Danny; Sprenkeling, Marit; Peuchen, Ruben; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes; Mendrinos, Dimitrios; Karytsas, Spyridon; Veland, Siri; Polyzou, Olympia; Lien, Martha; Heggelund, Yngve; Gross, Matthias; Piek, Pim; Puts, Hanneke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration has become a common practice in technology development projects. Rarely, however, the integration (and translation) of knowledge from different disciplines and different ...
    • Perspektiver på landbasert vindkraft i Agder 

      Kühn, Nadja Sophia Bekkelund; Vasstrøm, Mikaela (Research report, 2022)
      Det har skjedd betydelige endringer i nasjonal vindkraftpolitikk de siste årene. Disse endringene har som mål å bedre rammevilkårene for vertskommuner gjennom å sikre økt verdiskapning og bedre lokal forankring. På bakgrunn ...
    • Emit now, mitigate later? Earth system reversibility under overshoots of different magnitudes and durations 

      Schwinger, Jörg; Asaadi, Ali; Steinert, Norman; Lee, Hanna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Anthropogenic CO2 emissions cause irreversible climate change on centennial to millennial timescales, yet current mitigation efforts are insufficient to limit global warming to a level that is considered safe. Carbon dioxide ...
    • Possibility for strong northern hemisphere high-latitude cooling under negative emissions 

      Schwinger, Jörg; Asaadi, Ali; Goris, Nadine; Lee, Hanna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      It is well established that a collapse or strong reduction of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) would substantially cool the northern high latitudes. Here we show that there is a possibility that such ...
    • Hot yoga mot revmatiske lidelser 

      Sivertsen, Kristina; Bjørnarå, Helga Birgit (Research report, 2022)
      Dette prosjektet har hatt som mål å undersøke effekten av infrarødvarme benyttet i tilknytning til yogaøvelser for mennesker med muskel- og skjelettlidelser i ulike deler av landet. Prosjektet ble startet i 2020 og hadde ...
    • Afforestation affects rain-on-snow climatology over Norway 

      Mooney, Priscilla A.; Lee, Hanna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Rain-on-snow (ROS) events are most commonly found in sub-polar and alpine climates where they pose a considerable threat to society and nature. While the relationship between ROS frequency and large-scale climate features ...
    • Efficient Solvers for Nonstandard Models for Flow and Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media 

      Illiano, Davide; Both, Jakub Wiktor; Pop, Iuliu Sorin; Radu, Florin Adrian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We study several iterative methods for fully coupled flow and reactive transport in porous media. The resulting mathematical model is a coupled, nonlinear evolution system. The flow model component builds on the Richards ...
    • Ekso - Status for laks og sjøaure og evaluering av gjennomførte tiltak 

      Gabrielsen, Sven-Erik; Skår, Bjørnar (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2022)
      NORCE LFI har gjennomført fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i Ekso siden før kalkingen av Ekso startet opp i 1997, og gytefisktelling i vassdraget har vært utført årlig siden 1998. I perioden 2006-2011 ble det gjennomført et ...
    • Toward a decade of ocean science for sustainable development through acoustic animal tracking 

      Alós, Josep; Aarestrup, Kim; Abecasis, David; Afonso, Pedro; Alonso-Fernandez, Alexandre; Aspillaga, Eneko; Barcelo-Serra, Margarida; Bolland, Jonathan; Cabanellas-Reboredo, Miguel; Lennox, Robert; McGill, Ross; Özgül, Aytaç; Reubens, Jan; Villegas-Ríos, David (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The ocean is a key component of the Earth's dynamics, providing a great variety of ecosystem services to humans. Yet, human activities are globally changing its structure and major components, including marine biodiversity. ...
    • Diverse Surface Signatures of Stratospheric Polar Vortex Anomalies 

      Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm; Lee, S.H.; Butler, A.H.; Domeisen, D.I.V.; Wulff, C. Ole (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The Arctic stratospheric polar vortex is an important driver of winter weather and climate variability and predictability in North America and Eurasia, with a downward influence that on average projects onto the North ...