• Digital arbeidsrettet rehabilitering: En kvalitativ survey blant rehabiliteringsklinikker i Norge — basert på erfaringer etter korona 

      Øyeflaten, Irene Larsen; Skagseth, Martin; Lien, Guro; Johansen, Thomas; Brunvatne, Stefan; Svardal, Solveig (Research report, 2020)
      Undersøkelsen ble gjennomført i juni 2020 etter full eller delvis nedstenging fra 12. mars. Klinikker som hadde utviklet et digitalt oppfølgingstilbud startet opp igjen med tilpasset drift tidligere enn de som ikke hadde ...
    • eHealth interventions to facilitate work participation: a scoping review 

      Johnsen, Tone Langjordet; Johansen, Thomas; Momsen, Anne-Mette Hedeager; Tveito, Torill Helene; Nielsen, Claus Vinther; Varsi, Cecilie; Øyeflaten, Irene Larsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Objective: The objective of this scoping review was to identify studies combining the concepts of eHealth and work participation for sick-listed employees across diagnostic groups in health care and workplace contexts. ...
    • Jobbspesialister i NAV 

      Schönfelder, Walter; Arntzen, Cathrine; Johansen, Thomas; Munkejord, Mai Camilla (Research report, 2020)
      Fram til 2016 har NAV kjøpt størsteparten av oppfølgingstjenester til arbeidsinkludering hos eksterne tjenesteleverandører. I Meld. St. 33 (2015–2016) annonserte Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet at NAV i framtida skal tilby ...
    • Occupational rehabilitation is associated with improvements in cognitive functioning 

      Johansen, Thomas; Jensen, Chris Jørgen; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Lyby, Peter Solvoll; Dittrich, Winand H.; Holsen, Inge N.; Jakobsen, Hanne; Øyeflaten, Irene Larsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Introduction: Occupational rehabilitation may be offered to workers on long-term sick leave who often report problems with cognitive functioning, anxiety, depression, pain, and reduced work ability. The empirical knowledge ...
    • Sustained attention and working memory predict the number of days on health-related benefits in the year following occupational rehabilitation 

      Johansen, Thomas; Øyeflaten, Irene Larsen; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Lyby, Peter Solvoll; Dittrich, Winand H.; Holsen, Inge N.; Jakobsen, Hanne; Kollerud, Ruby Del Risco; Jensen, Chris (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Purpose The objective of this study was to investigate the association between cognitive and emotional functioning and the number of days on health-related benefits such as sick leave, work assessment allowance and disability ...