• PigghåFRI – Hvordan unngå problemer med pigghå? 

      Lal, Pradeep; Oosterkamp, Antonie; Brynildsrud, Mette Espedal; Chen, I-Hao; Gharbi, Naouel; Hauss, Helena; Lennox, Robert; Dahlmo, Lotte Svengård; Tressoler, Alan Le; Hansen, Christian Andreas; Nilsen, Marius; Takvam, Marius; Gilannejad, Neda; Tronci, Valentina; Sharp, Mary-Scarlett; Menanteau-Ledouble, Simon; Tang, Patrik Anthony (Research report, 2024)
      This study has mapped the impact of interaction of spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) with aquaculture installations in Norway and studied the behavior of spiny dogfish, in laboratory and field studies, in response to sensory ...
    • Piller på avveie 

      Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Lie, Terje (Research report, 1999)
    • Pilot legevakt: Evalueringsrapport fra Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for legevaktmedisin 

      Zakariassen, Erik (Rapport (Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for legevaktmedisin), Research report, 2022)
      Denne rapporten er laget på oppdrag fra Helsedirektoratet for å evaluere prosjektet «Pilot legevakt». Prøveprosjektet ble gjennomført i to geografiske områder, Førdeområdet og Moldeområdet. Det er i oppdraget også levert ...
    • Pilot Study on Scientific Knowledge Enhancement in Angola 

      Karlsen, Jan Erik; Quale, Christian (Research report, 2012)
      The objective of the pilot study was to map actual position, assess feasibility of tools and actions, and to propose a road map for enhancement and diffusion of scientific knowledge amongst Angolan institutions and industry ...
    • Pilot – Bedre kunnskapsgrunnlag for regionale kompetanseplaner i Troms. 

      Mikkelsen, Eirik; Myhr, Sindre; Normann, Anne Katrine; Karlstad, Stig (Report, 2016)
      Troms fylkeskommune har vært med i et nasjonalt prosjekt om regionale kompetansebehov. Det har vurdert tilgjengelige data og analyser og nye metoder for å få bedre kunnskap om det framtidige kompetansebehovet, samt arbeidet ...
    • Pilotprosjektet ”Utviklingsansvarlig i SMB” 

      Gandrud, Ove; Haga, Trond; Tønnessen, Tor (Research report, 2004)
      Prosjektet ”Utviklingsansvarlig i små og mellomstore bedrifter” (UA i SMB) i Industrinettverket AS er et treårig pilotprosjekt som nå har pågått i to år. Denne evalueringsrapporten oppsummerer resultatene og erfaringene ...
    • Pipe Viscometer for Continuous Viscosity and Density Measurement of Oil Well Barrier Materials 

      Nogueira Lima, Victor; Randeberg, Erlend; Taheri, Amir; Skadsem, Hans Joakim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The barrier material is a crucial component for wells, as it provides mechanical support to the casing and prevents the uncontrolled flow of formation fluids, ensuring zonal isolation. One of the essential prerequisites ...
    • Plan med plan? 

      Kvamme, Ingunn; Hodne, Torbjørn; Jentoft, Nina; Nilsen, Ann Christin Eklund (Research report, 2010)
      Denne rapporten omhandler en kartlegging av erfaringer med ordningen med individuell plan. Den overordnede problemstillingen som reises er hvilke forhold bidrar til å fremme og hemme nytteverdien av individuell ...
    • Planktic Foraminiferal Test Size and Weight Response to the Late Pliocene Environment 

      Todd, C. L.; Schmidt, D. N.; Robinson, Marci M.; De Schepper, Stijn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Atmospheric carbon dioxide (pCO2atm) is impacting the ocean and marine organisms directly via changes in carbonate chemistry and indirectly via a range of changes in physical parameters most dominantly temperature. To ...
    • Plant phenology evaluation of CRESCENDO land surface models-Part 1: Start and end of the growing season 

      Peano, Daniele; Hemming, Deborah; Materia, Stefano; Delire, Christine; Fan, Yuanchao; Joetzjer, Emilie; Lee, Hanna; Nabel, Julia; Park, Taejin; Peylin, Philippe; Wärlind, David; Wiltshire, Andy; Zaehle, Sönke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Plant phenology plays a fundamental role in land–atmosphere interactions, and its variability and variations are an indicator of climate and environmental changes. For this reason, current land surface models include ...
    • Plast i elver på Vestlandet 

      Velle, Gaute; Barlaup, Bjørn Torgeir; Espedal, Espen Olsen; Haave, Marte; Landro, Yngve; Normann, Eirik; Postler, Christoph; Skoglund, Helge; Stranzl, Sebastian; Stöger, Elisabeth; Wiers, Tore (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2020)
      Denne publikasjonen viser resultatene fra kartlegging av makroplast (her, fragmenter over ca. 2 cm) i 43 elver på Vestlandet høsten 2019. Kartleggingen ble utført kvantitativt eller semi -kvantitativt av en eller flere ...
    • Plastic Pollution, Waste Management Issues, and Circular Economy Opportunities in Rural Communities 

      Mihai, Florin-Constatin; Gündoğdu, Sedat; Markley, Laura A.; Olivelli, Arianna; Khan, Farhan; Gwinnett, Claire; Gutberlet, Jutta; Reyna-Bensusan, Natalia; Llanquileo-Melgarejo, Paula; Meidiana, Christa; Elagroudy, Sherien; Ishchenko, Vitalii; Penney, Simon; Lenkiewicz, Zoe; Molinos-Senante, María (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Rural areas are exposed to severe environmental pollution issues fed by industrial and agricultural activities combined with poor waste and sanitation management practices, struggling to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable ...
    • The Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2: large-scale climate features and climate sensitivity 

      Haywood, Alan M.; Tindall, Julia C.; Dowsett, Harry J.; Dolan, Aisling M.; Foley, Kevin M.; Hunter, Stephen J.; Hill, Daniel J.; Chan, Wing-Le; Abe-Ouchi, Ayako; Stepanek, Christian; Lohmann, Gerrit; Chandan, Deepak; Peltier, Richard W.; Tan, Ning; Contoux, Camille; Ramstein, Gilles; Li, Xiangyu; Zhang, Zhongshi; Guo, Chuncheng; Nisancioglu, Kerim Hestnes; Zhang, Qiong; Li, Qiang; Kamae, Youichi; Chandler, Mark A.; Sohl, Linda E.; Otto-Bliesner, Bette L.; Feng, Ran; Brady, Esther C.; von der Heydt, Anna S.; Baatsen, Michiel L. J.; Lunt, Daniel J (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The Pliocene epoch has great potential to improve our understanding of the long-term climatic and environmental consequences of an atmospheric CO2 concentration near ~ 400 parts per million by volume. Here we present the ...
    • Point-of-care ultrasound in primary care: a systematic review of generalist performed point-of-care ultrasound in unselected populations 

      Sørensen, Bjarte; Hunskår, Steinar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background Both the interest and actual extent of use of point-of-care ultrasound, PoCUS, among general practitioners or family physicians are increasing and training is also increasingly implemented in residency programs. ...
    • A polarized climate? Party sorting over climate change and the environment among candidates and voters in Europe 

      Tvinnereim, Endre (Working paper; 1-2015, Working paper, 2015-05)
      Political polarization over climate change has been blamed for lack of climate policy progress in several countries, most notably the US and Australia. However, no systematic comparative study exists of party sorting – the ...
    • Policing Global Hubs: Balancing the Imperatives of Security and Trade 

      Nøkleberg, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Global hubs such as airports and maritime ports are geographical centers where immense flows converge, and are characterized by speed, time and efficiency in linking local markets and global economic trade networks. Being ...
    • Policy and practice in Norwegian green transition 

      Meijer, Mari Wøien; Wolk, Teodor (Research report, 2021)
      This literature review and policy overview attempts to set out the ways in which the green transition is understood, presented and implemented in the Norwegian context. The driving forces and characteristics of a green ...
    • Politiets tryggleiksteneste i endring? Ein studie av PST etter 22. juli 2011 

      Ryssdal, Annbjørg (Working paper; 3-2017, Working paper, 2017-09)
      Denne studien tek føre seg endringar i styringskapasiteten til Politiets tryggleiksteneste (PST) etter terrorangrepet 22. juli 2011. Hovudelementa for studien er interne strukturelle organisasjonsendringar, samordning med ...
    • Politirelatert forskning i vid forstand 

      Kvam, Bjarne (Research report, 2015)
      Denne rapporten er en utredning av hvilke forskningsmuligheter som kan tenkes ved Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) og andre forskningsmiljøer i Bergen når det gjelder politirelaterte spørsmål i vid forstand. Denne utredningen ...
    • Politisk styring og institusjonell autonomi – tre illustrasjoner 

      Neby, Simon (10-2003, Working paper, 2003-05)
      This article is about the problems connected to political governance at the one hand, and institutional autonomy on the other. The assumption is that the relation between the two displays a fundamental contradiction, ...