Now showing items 1331-1350 of 3510

    • Improving drug prescription in general practice using a novel quality improvement model 

      Øyane, Nicolas Melchior Frederic; Finckenhagen, Morten; Ruths, Sabine; Thue, Geir; Lindahl, Anne Karin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Introduction Quality improvement (QI) clusters have been established in many countries to improve healthcare using the Breakthrough Series’ collaboration model. We investigated the effect of a novel QI approach based on ...
    • Improving hydropower inflow forecasts by assimilating snow data 

      Magnusson, Jan; Nævdal, Geir; Matt, Felix; Burkhart, John F; Winstral, Adam (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The study describes the depositional development and sediment partitioning in a prograding paralic Triassic succession. The deposits are associated with the advance of large prism‐scale clinoforms across a shallower platform ...
    • Improving interpretation of sea-level projections through a machine-learning-based local explanation approach 

      Rohmer, Jeremy; Thiéblemont, Rémi; Le Cozannet, G.; Goelzer, Heiko; Durand, Gaël (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Process-based projections of the sea-level contribution from land ice components are often obtained from simulations using a complex chain of numerical models. Because of their importance in supporting the decision-making ...
    • Improving predictive models for rate of penetration in real drilling operations through transfer learning 

      Pacis, Felix James Cardano; Ambrus, Adrian; Alyaev, Sergey; Khosravanian, Rasool; Kristiansen, Tron Golder; Wiktorski, Tomasz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The rate of penetration (ROP) is a key performance indicator in the oil and gas drilling industry as it directly translates to cost savings and emission reductions. A prerequisite for a drilling optimization algorithm is ...
    • Improving Salmonid Monitoring by Nocturnal Counting in Rivers 

      Kambestad, Marius; Hellen, Bjart Are; Jensen, Knut Helge; Sægrov, Harald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Accurate abundance estimates are crucial for evidence-based fisheries management. In rivers, drift dive counting and electrofishing are commonly used for quantifying fish abundance. However, the likelihood that fish are ...
    • Improving Sequential Decisions – Efficiently Accounting for Future Learning 

      Wang, Lingya; Oliver, Dean (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In sequential field development planning, past decisions not only directly affect the maximum achievable expected NPV but also influence the future information that can be used to reduce geological uncertainty. To act ...
    • In situ recordings of large gelatinous spheres from NE Atlantic, and the first genetic confirmation of egg mass of Illex coindetii (Vérany, 1839) (Cephalopoda, Mollusca) 

      Ringvold, Halldis; Taite, Morag; Allcock, A. Louise; Vecchione, Michael; Péan, Michel; Sandulli, Roberto; Johnsen, Geir; Fjellheim, Arne; Bakke, Snorre; Sannæs, Hanne; Synnes, Ann-Elin; Coronel, José; Hansen, Martin; Olejar, Peter; Eliassen, Geir; Eliassen, Anita; Klungland, Karl (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In total, 90 gelatinous spheres, averaging one meter in diameter, have been recorded from ~ 1985 to 2019 from the NE Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean Sea, using citizen science. More than 50% had a dark streak ...
    • In the green? Perceptions of hydrogen production methods among the Norwegian public 

      Bentsen, Henrik Litleré; Skiple, Jon Kåre; Gregersen, Thea Johansen; Derempouka, Efthymia; Skjold, Trygve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article presents findings from a representative survey, fielded through the Norwegian Citizen Panel, examining public perceptions of hydrogen fuel and its different production methods. Although several countries, ...
    • Increased Thermal Challenges Differentially Modulate Neural Plasticity and Stress Responses in Post-Smolt Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) 

      Tang, Patrik Anthony; Gharbi, Naouel; Nilsen, Tom Ole; Gorissen, M.; Stefansson, Sigurd Olav; Ebbesson, Lars O.E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The successful transfer of farmed post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) depends on proper stress responses and cognitive functions during the early seawater (SW) phase. However, with increasing summer oceanic temperatures, ...
    • Independent medical evaluation for sick-listed patients: A focus group study of GPs expectations and experiences 

      Aamland, Aase; Husabo, Elisabeth; Mæland, Silje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      Background Norwegian general practitioners (GPs) are important stakeholders because they manage 80% of people on long-term sick-leave. Independent medical evaluation (IME) for long-term sick-listed patients is being evaluated ...
    • Independent tephrochronological evidence for rapid and synchronous oceanic and atmospheric temperature rises over the Greenland stadial-interstadial transitions between ca. 32 and 40 ka b2k 

      Berben, Sarah Miche Patricia; Dokken, Trond Martin; Abbott, Peter M.; Cook, Eliza; Sadatzki, Henrik; Simon, Margit Hildegard; Jansen, Eystein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Understanding the dynamics that drove past abrupt climate changes, such as the Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events, depends on combined proxy evidence from disparate archives. To identify leads, lags and synchronicity between ...
    • Indikatorer på psykisk helsefelt - trender og analyse. 

      Bayer, Stian Brosvik; Lie, Terje (Research report, 2012)
      Rapporten viser utviklingstrekk for en rekke indikatorer på psykisk helsefelt. Det gjelder helsestatus i befolkningen, risiko- og påvirkningsfaktorer på psykisk helse, forebygging, brukerinvolvering, tilgjengelighet til ...
    • Individual placement and support for young adults at risk of early work disability (the SEED trial). A randomized controlled trial 

      Sveinsdottir, Vigdis; Lie, Stein Atle; Bond, Gary R.; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Tveito, Torill Helene; Grasdal, Astrid; Reme, Silje Endresen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Objectives Individual placement and support (IPS) is an effective approach for helping people with severe mental illness gain employment. This study aimed to investigate if IPS can be effectively repurposed to support young ...
    • Individuell plan som virkemiddel for ledelse og samordning av tjenester i kommunene 

      Berven, Nina; Ludvigsen, Kari; Christensen, Dag Arne; Nilssen, Even (Rapport; 02-2013, Research report, 2013-06)
      I denne rapporten har vi på oppdrag fra Kommunal‐ og regionaldepartementet evaluert ordningen med Individuelle planer (IP) som et styrings‐ og koordineringsverktøy i norske kommuner. En individuell plan er en rettighet for ...
    • Indre Agder Regionanalyse 

      Leknes, Einar; Ersland, Bjørn Arild; Laudal, Thomas (Research report, 2002)
      14 kommuner i Indre Agder har gått sammen om å utarbeide en regionanalyse og et handlingsprogram for å kunne møte framtiden med de rette offensive handlingene. Denne rapporten representerer analysedelen av prosjektet og ...
    • Industri i fare 

      Nødland, Svein Ingve; Askevold, Emma Olivieri (Research report, 2002)
      Står vi overfor en sterk nedbygging av industrien i landet vårt? Sentralbanksjefen har uttalt at sysselsettingen i industrien kan falle med 60 000 fram mot 2010. Den forventede utviklingen følger ikke minst av en planlagt ...
    • Industrial development in the North - Sámi interests squeezed between globalization and tradition 

      Angell, Elisabeth; Nygaard, Vigdis; Selle, Per (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In this article, we analyse tensions in Sámi local communities meeting new industrial development. Indigenous communities experience outmigration and are in need of new business development and employment. Global extractive ...
    • Industribyggerne 2015 

      Blomgren, Atle; Quale, Christian; Austnes-Underhaug, Randi; Harstad, Anne Marthe; Fjose, Sveinung; Wifstad, Kristina; Mellbye, Christian; Amble, Ida B.; Nyvold, Carl Erik; Steffensen, Tom; Viggen, Jon Ragnar; Iglebæk, Frode; Arnesen, Tor; Hagen, Svein Erik (Research report, 2015)
      Norsk olje og gass har engasjert et konsortium bestående av IRIS, Menon Business Economics, Impello Management, Kunnskapsparken Bodø og Østlandsforskning for å oppdatere IRIS sin 2013-rapport om sysselsetting i norskbasert ...
    • «Industribyggerne: Norsk olje- og gassnæring ut med havet og mellom bakkar og berg» 

      Blomgren, Atle; Bottolfsen, Trond; Hagebakken, Grete (Research report, 2013)
      Norsk olje og gass har engasjert et konsortium bestående av IRIS, Menon Business Economics, Senter for økonomisk forskning NTNU, Kunnskapsparken Bodø og Østlandsforskning for å utarbeide en detaljert oversikt over hvordan ...
    • Industrinettverket i Hardanger 

      Haga, Trond (Research report, 2006)
      I denne rapporten blir bakgrunnen for etableringen av nettverket i Hardanger beskrevet. Nettverket har sin spesielle historie hvor de regionale partene spiller en helt sentral rolle. Deretter beskrives; nettverkets ...