• Valg av ordfører ved supplerende stemmegivning 

      Christensen, Dag Arne; Aars, Jacob (Research report, 2008)
      I forbindelse med kommunestyrevalgene høsten 2007 ble det gjennomført forsøk med direkte valg av ordførere i 50 kommuner. I 48 av disse kommunene ble supplerende stemmegivning benyttet for å velge ordførere. Denne rapporten ...
    • Varig bolig framfor hospits 

      Ludvigsen, Kari; Fjær, Svanaug (1-2007, Working paper, 2007-02)
      This is a study of how actors in Norwegian municipalities cooperate to establish more permanent housing for persons living in various forms of temporary housing shelters. In particular, it focuses on the cooperation between ...
    • Veien mot et Innlandsuniversitet 

      Brandser, Gry; Brekke, Ole Andreas (Research report, 2008)
      Rokkansenteret fikk i november 2007 i oppdrag å bistå styringsgruppen for Prosjekt Innlandsuniversitetet (PIU) med en utredning om organisering av et framtidig Innlandsuniversitet i form av en sammenslåing av høgskolene i ...
    • Veier til gradert eller full uførepensjon 

      Andersland, Leroy; Bratberg, Espen; Grasdal, Astrid; Holmås, Tor Helge (Research report, 2012)
      I denne rapporten beskriver vi bakgrunn, arbeidsmarkedstilknytning og trygde-/sosialhjelpshistorikk for nye mottakere av uføreytelser i 2008. Formålet er å kartlegge hvilke trekk ved individene og deres historikk om ...
    • Velferdsforskning i Bergen 

      Kildal, Nanna (Research report, 2016)
      Denne rapporten handler om velferdsforskningen i Bergen gjennom de siste 20 år, nærmere bestemt den delen av forskningen som er blitt utført ved Universitetet og ved Uni Research Rokkansenteret. Det foregår naturligvis mye ...
    • Velferdsstat, rettighetslovgivning og lokalt selvstyre 

      Christensen, Dag Arne (19-2004, Working paper, 2004-12)
      This paper focuses on individual social rights, and their consequences for Norwegian local democracy. In the Norwegian power study judicialization of politics is a key element in the crisis diagnosis over local democracy. ...
    • Vest Tank ulykken – tilsyn uten ansvar 

      Lervåg, Knut Andreas Utkilen (Working Paper, Working paper, 2010-06)
      The 24th of May 2007 there was an explosion at the Vest Tank-site located at the west coast of Norway. This paper presents and discusses how government agencies regulated the activities on the plant before and after the ...
    • Welfare Law and the Construction of Social Citizenship 

      Magnussen, Anne-Mette; Nilssen, Even (Working Paper, Working paper, 2011-09)
      The paper elaborates on the relationship between social citizenship and juridification. Departing from a Marshallian understanding of social citizenship, juridification processes concern the institutional construction of ...
    • Welfare reform and «wicked issues» – from coupling to de-coupling? 

      Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (Working Paper, Working paper, 2012-04)
      This paper seeks to identify trans-boundary innovative coordination practices and related modes of specialization and steering instruments in welfare administration reforms. We describe how the 2005 reform of the welfare ...
    • The Welfare State: Three Normative Tensions 

      Kildal, Nanna (9-2003, Working paper, 2003-05)
      This working paper is based on the ideas that “social justice is the first virtue of social institutions” and that democratic governing principles should be “transparent”, that is, known and available for public consideration ...
    • What about N? A methodological study of sample-size reporting in focus group studies 

      Carlsen, Benedicte; Glenton, Claire (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-03-11)
      Background: Focus group studies are increasingly published in health related journals, but we know little about how researchers use this method, particularly how they determine the number of focus groups to conduct. The ...
    • The Whole-of-Government Approach – Regulation, Performance, and Public-Sector Reform 

      Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (6-2006, Working paper, 2006-08)
      In this paper we first discuss «whole-of-government» initiatives as a reaction to the negative effects of NPM reforms such as structural devolution, performance management, and «single-purpose organizations». Second, we ...
    • Will Increased Wages Reduce Shortage of Nurses? A Panel Data Analysis of Nurses’ Labour Supply 

      Askildsen, Jan Erik; Baltagi, Badi H.; Holmås, Tor Helge (27-2002, Working paper, 2002-12)
      Shortage of nurses is a problem in several countries. It is an unsettled question whether increasing wages constitute a viable policy for extracting more labour supply from nurses. In this paper we use a unique matched ...
    • Working across boundaries: Collegial administration in central government – scope, variation and effects 

      Christensen, Dag Arne; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Midtbø, Tor (Working Paper, Working paper, 2010-05)
      In this paper we address the problems of working across boundaries in central government by focusing on the case of Norway. The main research questions are: a) How common is the use of working or project groups inside the ...
    • Worried sick? Sickness absence during organizational turmoil 

      Bratberg, Espen; Monstad, Karin (Working Paper, Working paper, 2011-12)
      Sickness absence has risen over the past years in Norway. An explanation put forward is that a tougher labour market represents a health hazard, while a competing hypothesis predicts that loss of job security works as a ...
    • Worried sick? Worker Responses to a Financial Shock 

      Bratberg, Espen; Monstad, Karin (Working paper 07/2013, Working paper, 2013-12)
      Excessive sickness absence may hurt productivity and put a strain on public finances. One explanation put forward for increasing absence rates is that a tougher labour market represents a health hazard. A competing hypothesis ...
    • Økonomiske insentiv i arbeidslinjen, virker det? Evaluering av forsøksordning med kvalifiseringsstønad i «Prosjekt Amalie» i Åsane 

      Ravneberg, Bodil (11-2004, Working paper, 2004-10)
      Som en av tretten kommuner fikk Bergen tildelt midler fra Sosialdepartementet i 2001 for å iverksette tiltaket «Aktive arbeidsrettede tiltak for langtids sosialhjelpsmottakere». Den lokale varianten – et tre måneders ...
    • Økt innsats for læringsmiljøet 

      Helgøy, Ingrid; Homme, Anne D. (Research report, 2014)
      Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra en oppfølgingsundersøkelse og bygger på tidligere rapporter fra Rokkansenterets evaluering av satsingen Bedre læringsmiljø (2009–2014). Undersøkelsen fanger dermed opp utviklingstrekk ...
    • "Øvelse gjør mester?". Øvelser som virkemiddel for bedre krisehåndtering og samfunnssikkerhet 

      Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (Working Paper, Working paper, 2009-03)
      Notatet belyser hvordan myndighetene benytter øvelser for å oppnå bedre krisehåndtering innenfor samfunnssikkerhetsområdet. Øvelser er en viktig metode for å oppnå god krisehåndtering, men vies ofte liten oppmerksomhet i ...