Browsing NORCE Energi og teknologi by Title
Now showing items 299-318 of 349
Sluttrapportering Registreringsarbeid under prosjektet «Ryddeaksjon Jærkysten» 2018–2020
(Research report, 2021)Undersøkelsen har benyttet innsamling og registrering av avfall ved tre skoler på tre definerte lokaliteter i 2018–2020, samt data fra ryddelogg med mengder strandavfall mottatt av Jæren friluftsråd i perioden 2015–2020. ... -
Smart meters and messaging: Task 1.5 in the project “Integrated Renewable Resources and Storage: Operation and Management”
(Research report, 2022)Monte Carlo-type simulations based on data from the Skarpnes village have been used to assess the benefits of smart meters for rooftop PV systems. The results show that when installing PV panels on private homes on the ... -
Snow avalanche detection using Sentinel-1 in Langtang, Nepal
(Research report, 2021)This report summarizes NORCE’s contribution to the snowAMP2-project where NVE and ICIMOD are working on cryospheric processes and hazards in the Langtang catchment in Nepal. We contribute with radar satellite-borne snow ... -
Snøskredaktivitet i Ramfjorden, Troms, 2014-2019
(Research report, 2019)Vi detekterte automatisk skred i Sentinel-1 radarsatellittdata i et definert område på ca. 9.5 km2 i Ramfjorden og Lavangsdalen, Tromsø kommune. Sentinel-1 data var tilgjengelig i perioden 2014-2019 og vi har lastet ned ... -
Spatio-temporal visual learning for home-based monitoring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper introduces a novel concept for Home-based Monitoring (HM) that enables robust analysis and understanding of activities towards improved caring and safety. Spatio-Temporal Visual Learning for HM (STVL-HM) is a ... -
Spectral Clustering with Graph Neural Networks for Graph Pooling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Spectral clustering (SC) is a popular clustering technique to find strongly connected communities on a graph. SC can be used in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to implement pooling operations that aggregate nodes belonging ... -
Spread Spectrum Modulation with Grassmannian Constellations for Mobile Multiple Access Underwater Acoustic Channels
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The objective of this study is to evaluate Grassmannian constellations combined with a spread spectrum multiple access scheme for underwater acoustic mobile multiple access communication systems. These communication systems ... -
Status of Foam as a Liquid Blocking Agent in Porous Media: A Review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Abstract This article summarizes the state-of-the-art knowledge gained from field observations and laboratory studies regarding foam as a liquid controlling agent in porous media. Being the least explored property of foam, ... -
Stick-slip and torsional friction factors in inclined wellbores
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Stick slip is usually considered a phenomenon of bit-rock interaction, but is also often observed in the field with the bit off bottom. In this paper we present a distributed model of a drill string with an along-string ... -
A Stochastic Covariance Shrinkage Approach in Ensemble Transform Kalman Filtering
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The Ensemble Kalman Filters (EnKF) employ a Monte-Carlo approach to represent covariance information, and are affected by sampling errors in operational settings where the number of model realizations is much smaller than ... -
Subsea Motion Compensator – Scaled Test at Sea
(Research report, 2024)NORCE has analysed motion data collected from a scaled down version of an offshore floating wind substructure anchored outside Mandal, Norway. The purpose of the test was to demonstrate the effectiveness of a motion ... -
Surface charge change in carbonates during low-salinity imbibition
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Optimizing the injection water salinity could present a cost-effective strategy for improving oil recovery. Although the literature generally acknowledges that low-salinity improves oil recovery in laboratory-scale ... -
Surface Complexation Modelling of Wettability Alteration during Carbonated Water Flooding
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)CO2 capture and utilization is an effective tool in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and hence, combating global warming. In the present study, surface complexation modeling (SCM) with the geochemistry solver, PHREEQ-C, ... -
A Survey on Distributed Fibre Optic Sensor Data Modelling Techniques and Machine Learning Algorithms for Multiphase Fluid Flow Estimation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Real-time monitoring of multiphase fluid flows with distributed fibre optic sensing has the potential to play a major role in industrial flow measurement applications. One such application is the optimization of hydrocarbon ... -
Techno-Economic Evaluation of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage; Case Study of Scenarios in Western Macedonia, Greece
(Journal article, 2023)Over the previous decades, the region of Western Macedonia in Greece has become home to heavy industrial clusters. Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) is an essential technology for climate change mitigation ... -
Tectonic-magmatic-hydrothermal interactions in a hot dry rock geothermal system: The role of the transfer and normal faults in the Acoculco caldera (Mexico)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In the Acoculco caldera (hot dry rock system) two geothermal boreholes were planned to intersect fracture systems in the carbonate basement. Even though the caldera is located in an area of active deformation with high ... -
The association of PTSD symptom severity with amygdala nuclei volumes in traumatized youths
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The amygdala is a core component in neurobiological models of stress and stress-related pathologies, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While numerous studies have reported increased amygdala activity following ... -
The dissolution of a miscible drop rising or falling in another liquid at low Reynolds number
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)“A basic and basically unsolved problem in fluid dynamics is to determine the evolution of rising bubbles and falling drops of one miscible liquid in another” [D. D. Joseph and Y. Y. Renardy, Fundamentals of Two-Fluid ... -
The generalization of Gulland’s method: How to estimate maturity ogives when juvenile data are missing while spawner demography is known
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The proportions of mature individuals at age or length, collectively known as the maturity ogive, are a key population characteristic and serve as critical input to age-disaggregated stock assessments. John Gulland showed ... -
The Open Porous Media Flow Reservoir Simulator
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The Open Porous Media (OPM) initiative is a community effort that encourages open innovation and reproducible research for simulation of porous media processes. OPM coordinates collaborative software development, maintains ...