Now showing items 64-83 of 281

    • Data assimilation with soft constraints (DASC) through a generalized iterative ensemble smoother 

      Luo, Xiaodong; Chalub Cruz, William (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This work investigates an ensemble-based workflow to simultaneously handle generic, nonlinear equality and inequality constraints in reservoir data assimilation problems. The proposed workflow is built upon a recently ...
    • Data from lab-scale experiments of fibre optic vibration measurement 

      Thomas, Peter James; Heggelund, Yngve; Baap, Bob; Mellors, Robert; Pitarka, Arben; Matzel, Eric; Butcher, Anthony (ACT DigiMon (NORCE);D1.1, add. 4, Research report, 2022)
      Understanding the exact nature of the coupling of the optical fiber in response to seismic waves in a variety of settings is key to quantitative interpretation and modelling of seismic data recorded by Distributed Acoustic ...
    • Deep learning for graphs 

      Bacciu, Davide; Bianchi, Filippo Maria; Paassen, Benjamin; Alippi, Cesare (Chapter, 2018)
      Deep learning for graphs encompasses all those neural models endowed with multiple layers of computation operating on data represented as graphs. The most common building blocks of these models are graph encoding layers, ...
    • Defining acoustic emission-based condition monitoring indicators for monitoring piston rod seal and bearing wear in hydraulic cylinders 

      Shanbhag, Vignesh Vishnudas; Meyer, Thomas; Caspers, Leo; Schlanbusch, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Fluid leakage from hydraulic cylinders is a major concern for the offshore industries as it directly affects hydraulic cylinder energy efficiency and causes environmental contamination. There have been attempts made in ...
    • Detecting and Interpreting Faults in Vulnerable Power Grids With Machine Learning 

      Eikeland, Odin Foldvik; Holmstrand, Inga Setså; Bakkejord, Sigurd; Chiesa, Matteo; Bianchi, Filippo Maria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Unscheduled power disturbances cause severe consequences both for customers and grid operators. To defend against such events, it is necessary to identify the causes of interruptions in the power distribution network. In ...
    • Detection of lameness and mastitis pathogens in milk using visual and olfactory sensing 

      Yuan, Boyan; Nørstebø, Håvard; Whist, Anne Cathrine; Belbachir, Nabil (Research report, 2020)
      The objective of this project is to investigate feasibility of visual combined with olfactory sensing and multimodal collaborative intelligence for the perception of diseases, especially the contagious ones, among a ...
    • Diagnostics of seal and rod degradation in hydraulic cylinders using acoustic emissions 

      Shanbhag, Vignesh Vishnudas; Meyer, Thomas; Caspers, Leo; Schlanbusch, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      External leakage from hydraulic cylinders is of a major concern for the offshore oil and gas industry. This occurs mainly as a result of physical damage to the piston rod or due to degradation of the piston rod seals. ...
    • Differences in Direct Geothermal Energy Utilization for Heating and Cooling in Central and Northern European Countries 

      Nordgård-Hansen, Ellen Marie; Fjellså, Ingvild Firman; Medgyes, Tamás; Guðmundsdóttir, María; Pétursson, Baldur; Miecznik, Maciej; Pająk, Leszek; Halás, Oto; Leknes, Einar; Midttømme, Kirsti (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Geothermal energy has emerged as an alternative heating source that can replace fossil energy. This mature technology is already in use all over Europe, but there are significant differences in its use between European ...
    • DigiMon Final Report 

      Nøttveit, Arvid; Midttømme, Kirsti; Stork, Anna; Lien, Martha; Puts, Hanneke (ACT DigiMon (NORCE);D4.9, Research report, 2023)
      "DigiMon Final Report” summarizes the ACT DigiMon project. The overall objective of the DigiMon project was to “accelerate the implementation of CCS by developing and demonstrating an affordable, flexible, societally ...
    • Digital Monitoring of Co2 Storage Projects (Digimon) 

      Nøttvedt, Arvid; Midttømme, Kirsti; Lien, Martha; Puts, Hanneke; Stork, Anne (Journal article, 2021)
      With an overall objective to “accelerate the implementation of CCS by developing and demonstrating an affordable, flexible, societally embedded and smart Digital Monitoring early-warning system”, the DigiMon project aims ...
    • DigiTrans kortrapport: Studentenes opplevelse av studiesituasjonen under nedstengingene av UiB høsten 2020 

      Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Hansen, Cecilie Johanne Slokvik (Research report, 2021)
      Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) måtte høsten 2020 igjen stenge tilgangen til «campus» for sine studenter for å hindre spredningen av koronaviruset på grunn av den pågående pandemisituasjonen. For de fleste studentene ble ...
    • Dimensional reduction of a fractured medium for a polymer EOR model 

      Dugstad, Martin Sandanger; Kumar, Kundan; Pettersen, Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Dimensional reduction strategy is an effective approach to derive reliable conceptual models to describe flow in fractured porous media. The fracture aperture is several orders of magnitude smaller than the characteristic ...
    • Direct Multi-Modal Inversion of Geophysical Logs Using Deep Learning 

      Alyaev, Sergey; Elsheikh, Ahmed (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Geosteering of wells requires fast interpretation of geophysical logs which is a non-unique inverse problem. Current work presents a proof-of-concept approach to multi-modal probabilistic inversion of logs using a single ...
    • A Discrete-Domain Approach to Three-Phase Hysteresis in Porous Media 

      Helland, Johan Olav; Jettestuen, Espen; Friis, Helmer Andre` (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We present a discrete-domain approach to three-phase displacements and hysteresis in porous media. In this method, constrained energy minimization leads to evolution equations for local saturations that describe a wide ...
    • Drilling Data Hub 

      Daireaux, Benoit; Saadallah, Nejm (Research report, 2020)
      Deploying advanced automation solutions on a large scale is a current challenge. Experience shows that a considerable amount of work must be performed before every single use of those solutions: we refer here to the necessity ...
    • Dynamic estimates of extreme-case CO2 storage capacity for basin-scale heterogeneous systems under geological uncertainty 

      Pettersson, Per; Tveit, Svenn; Gasda, Sarah Eileen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Geological CO2 storage is expected to grow dramatically in the coming decades to meet global climate targets. Assessment of worldwide storage resources using static methods indicates significant theoretical potential for ...
    • Dynamic PVT model for CO2-EOR black-oil simulations 

      Sandve, Tor Harald; Sævareid, Ove; Aavatsmark, Ivar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A well-planned CO2EOR operation can help meet an ever-increasing need for energy and at the same time reduce the total CO2 footprint from the energy production. Good simulation studies are crucial for investment decisions ...
    • Dynamic repositioning in floating wind farms 

      Saadallah, Nejm; Randeberg, Erlend (Research report, 2020)
      The potential for harvesting Norwegian offshore wind power resourcesis undoubtably tremendous, however, currently limited by the cost of energy especially at deep waters. A general challenge for wind power production is ...
    • Economic Evaluation of Eight Regional Scenarios for the Deployment of Carbon Capture, Use and Storage in Southern and Eastern Europe to 2050 

      Coussy, Paula; Guichet, Xavier; Nermoen, Anders; Dumas, Cecile; Canteli, Paula; Orio, Roberto Martínez; Fortes, Patricia; Mesquita, Paulo H. C; Pereira, Pedro A.B.; Carneiro, Julio; Rocha, Paulo; Augiar, Ricardo; Tyrologou, Pavlos; Koukouzas, Nikolaos; Gravaud, Isaline; Veloso, Fernanda M. L.; Dudu, Alexandra Constanta; Sava, Constantin Stefan; Vulin, Domagoj; Jukic, Lucija; Sliwinska, Anna; Krawczyk, Piotr (Lecture, 2022)
      During the three-year EU-funded STRATEGY CCUS project [1] [3] (2019-2022), Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) scenarios formulated for eight regions in Southern and Eastern Europe were developed and economically evaluated ...
    • Effect of buoyancy and inertia on viscoplastic fluid-fluid displacements in a regular and an irregular eccentric annulus 

      Skadsem, Hans Joakim; Kragset, Steinar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Casing strings and liners are important subsurface structural components in petroleum and in geothermal wells. After the casing string has been run in hole, it is cemented to the formation by pumping a sequence of spacer ...