Browsing NORCE Klima og miljø by Title
Now showing items 158-177 of 1048
CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Gene Editing in Salmonids Cells and Efficient Establishment of Edited Clonal Cell Lines
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Finfish production has seen over three-fold increase in the past 30 years (1990–2020), and Atlantic salmon (A. salmon; salmo salar) accounted for approximately 32.6% of the total marine and coastal aquaculture of all finfish ... -
Critical flows in semi-alluvial channels during extraordinarily high discharges: Implications for flood risk management
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)For channelized, flood-regulated rivers, morphological changes are avoided as much as possible. Extraordinarily high flows in the past, however, have demonstrated that channelized rivers may also become morphologically ... -
Daleelva: Langsiktige undersøkelser av laks og sjøaure i perioden 2006-2016 ("LIV II")
(LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2019)Siden 2006 har NORCE LFI på oppdrag fra BKK AS gjennomført et miljøsamarbeid som omhandler bestandssituasjonen for laks og sjøaure samt undersøkelser av bunndyrsamfunnet i Daleelva. En kartlegging av de fysiske og ... -
Dalselva - Fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i perioden 2002 - 2021
(LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2022)På oppdrag fra Statkraft Energi AS har NORCE LFI, gjennomført fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i Dalselva høsten 2020 og 2021. Målsettingen for disse undersøkelsene er å følge opp tidligere undersøkelser (Gabrielsen et al. ... -
Dalselva Fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i 2020 og vurdering av tiltak for oppvandring av fisk
(LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2021)På oppdrag fra Statkraft Energi AS har NORCE LFI, gjennomført fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i Dalselva høsten 2020. Målsettingen for disse undersøkelsene er å følge opp tidligere undersøkelser (Gabrielsen et al. 2015). ... -
Dalselva i Framfjorden – Fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i perioden 2002–2014
(LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2015)For å kompensere for skadevirkningene på fiskebestandene i forbindelse med reguleringen av Dalselva (Arnafjordvassdraget), ble regulanten Statkraft 14.05.1982 pålagt årlige utsettinger av 600 laksesmolt og 1 000 sjøauresmolt ... -
Dalselva – Fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i perioden 2020–2022
(LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2023)Dalselva ligger i Framfjord i Vik kommune, og rundt 75 % av nedbørfeltet er overført til en kraftstasjon i Vik, noe som kan føre til svært lav vannføring i elva. NORCE LFI har gjennomført fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i ... -
Dansgaard-Oeschger and Heinrich event temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic set by sea ice, frontal position and thermocline structure
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We use eighteen timescale-synchronised near-surface temperature reconstructions spanning 10–50 thousand years before present to clarify the regional expression of Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) and Heinrich (H) events in the ... -
Datarapport for prosjektet: "LIV"
(LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2009)Som en del av det pågående miljøsamarbeidet mellom BKK og Unifob Miljøforskning gjennomføres det i perioden 2006–2011 et samordnet prosjekt for de seks "BKK-elvene" der Unifob jevnlig har oppdrag. Prosjektet har hatt ... -
Decadal Changes in Ventilation and Anthropogenic Carbon in the Nordic Seas
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)We evaluate the decadal evolution of ventilation and anthropogenic carbon (Cant) in the Nordic Seas between 1982 and the 2010s. Ventilation changes on decadal timescale are identified by evaluating decadal changes in mean ... -
Decadal trends in ocean acidification from the Ocean Weather Station M in the Norwegian Sea
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The Ocean Weather Station M (OWSM) is situated at a fixed position in the Norwegian Sea, one of the major basins of the Nordic Seas, which represents an important area for uptake of atmospheric CO2 as well as deep water ... -
Decadal Trends in the Oceanic Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon From 1994 to 2014
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The oceanic uptake and resulting storage of the anthropogenic CO2 (Cant) that humans have emitted into the atmosphere moderates climate change. Yet our knowledge about how this uptake and storage has progressed in time ... -
Deciphering a Marine Bone-Degrading Microbiome Reveals a Complex Community Effort
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The marine bone biome is a complex assemblage of macro- and microorganisms; however, the enzymatic repertoire to access bone-derived nutrients remains unknown. The bone matrix is a composite material made up mainly of ... -
Decomposing oceanic temperature and salinity change using ocean carbon change
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)As the planet warms due to the accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere, the interaction of surface ocean carbonate chemistry and the radiative forcing of atmospheric CO2 leads to the global ocean sequestering ... -
Decomposition of physical processes controlling EASM precipitation changes during the mid-Piacenzian: new insights into data–model integration
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The mid-Piacenzian warm period (MPWP, ~3.264–3.025 Ma) has gained widespread interest due to its partial analogy with future climate. However, quantitative data–model comparison of East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) precipitation ... -
Deep Convection as the Key to the Transition From Eocene to Modern Antarctic Circumpolar Current
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)From the Eocene (∼50 million years ago) to today, Southern Ocean circulation has evolved from the existence of two ocean gyres to the dominance of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). It has generally been thought that ... -
Deep-Reaching Global Ocean Overturning Circulation Generated by Surface Buoyancy Forcing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In contrast with the atmosphere, which is heated from below by solar radiation, the ocean is both heated and cooled from above. To drive a deep-reaching overturning circulation in this context, it is generally assumed that ... -
Deep-Sea Carnivorous Sponges From the Mariana Islands
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Carnivorous sponges belonging to family Cladorhizidae (Porifera, Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida) are unique within phylum Porifera due to their ability to capture and envelop small prey. While other sponges use an aquiferous ... -
Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks: Denitrification is common in boreo-Arctic sponges
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Sponges are commonly known as general nutrient providers for the marine ecosystem, recycling organic matter into various forms of bioavailable nutrients such as ammonium and nitrate. In this study we challenge this view. ... -
Deepening of Southern Ocean Gateway Leads to Abrupt Onset of a Deep-Reaching Meridional Overturning Circulation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Around 50–34 million years ago, the Southern Hemisphere witnessed a major reorganization of continents. This led to the opening and deepening of two Southern Ocean gateways (OGs)—the Tasmanian Gateway between Australia and ...