Browsing NORCE vitenarkiv by Author "Mayer, Stephanie"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Analyse av klimautvikling i kyst- og innlandsregionen i Rogaland – temperatur, nedbør og vind
Mayer, Stephanie; Livik, Gunnar; Pontoppidan, Marie Louise Nielsen; Båserud, Line; Løvset, Tyge (Research report, 2020)Rogaland fylkeskommune ønsket å få utredet konsekvenser av klimaendringer på natur og samfunn i Rogaland med fokus på utfordringer, muligheter og prioriteringer. Vestlandsforskning leder prosjektet og det ble inngått avtale ... -
Developing a methodology for user-oriented verification of polar low forecasts
Hallerstig, Matilda; Køltzow, Morten Andreas Ødegaard; Mayer, Stephanie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Polar lows exhibit features with very sharp weather contrasts. In weather forecasting, a small misplacement of areas with hazardously high wind speeds can have fatal impacts for people living in polar regions. Therefore, ... -
Helhetlig tiltaksplan og klimasårbarhetsanalyse for Sokndalsvassdraget
Pulg, Ulrich; Hauer, Christoph; Mayer, Stephanie; Espedal, Espen Olsen; Postler, Christoph (LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske, Research report, 2023)I et tverrfaglig samarbeid som inkluderer ferskvanns- og restaureringsbiologi, klimaforskning, hydrologi og hydraulikk vises at vassdragsmiljøet i Sokndalsvassdraget er påvirket av en rekke fysiske inngrep og forurensing. ... -
The Innovative Strategies for Observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer Project (ISOBAR) — Unique fine-scale observations under stable and very stable conditions
Kral, Stephan; Reuder, Joachim; Vihma, Timo Pekka; Suomi, Irene; Haualand, Kristine Flacké; Urbancic, Gabin; Greene, Brian R.; Steeneveld, Gert Jan; Lorenz, Torge; Maronga, Bjørn; Jonassen, Marius Opsanger; Ajosenpää, Hada; Båserud, Line; Chilson, Phillip B.; Holtslag, Albert A. M.; Jenkins, Alastair David; Kouznetsov, Rostislav; Mayer, Stephanie; Pillar-Little, Elizabeth A.; Rautenberg, Alexander; Schwenkel, Johannes; Seidl, Andrew; Wrenger, Burkhard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Innovative Strategies for Observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer Program (ISOBAR) is a research project investigating stable atmospheric boundary layer (SBL) processes, whose representation still poses ... -
Revealing trends in extreme heatwave intensity: Applying the UNSEEN approach to Nordic countries
Berghald, Sebastian; Mayer, Stephanie; Bohlinger, Patrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The increase in heatwave intensity, causing heat stress and crop failures in many regions is a concerning impact of global climate change. In northern Europe, significant interannual variability previously prevented robust ... -
The stable atmospheric boundary layer over snow-covered sea ice: Model evaluation with fine-scale ISOBAR18 observations
Lorenz, Torge; Mayer, Stephanie; Kral, Stephan Thomas; Suomi, Irene; Steeneveld, Gert Jan; Holtslag, Albert A.M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)A realistic representation of the stable atmospheric boundary layer in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate models is still a challenge. We study the evolution of a stable boundary layer over snow-covered sea ice ... -
Warmer and wetter: Outlining climate services for snow-dependent tourism in Norway – The case of Lofoten
Mayer, Stephanie; Khasandi Kuya, Elinah; Antonsen, Karin Marie; Abegg, Bruno; Hanssen-Bauer, Inger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Human-induced climate change potentially impacts nature-based activities in Lofoten and may limit the attractiveness of the destination for tourists seeking recreation and adventure in the mountains. As a climate service, ...