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Relational and cultural continuity for children in foster care; A critical exploration of national policies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Ireland and Scotland
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Based on an analysis of 14 national child welfare policies, the paper explores how relational and cultural continuity are framed in national foster care policies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Ireland and Scotland, ... -
The role of collaboration in the renewal of Arctic waste management
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This paper aims to investigate the possibilities of renewal of the waste management sector in the Arctic through increased regional collaboration. The theoretical part of our article focuses on collaboration in the ... -
Medically assisted integrated rehabilitation program for people with opioid dependence: a quasi-experimental evaluation using multi-criteria decision analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background Opioid use disorders constitute a vast disease burden, need for comprehensive treatment, and substantial costs to individuals, families, and society. The multifaceted needs of people with opioid dependence call ... -
Habitatkartlegging i Mauseidvassdraget i 2024
(LFI - Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske;559, Research report, 2024)Denne rapporten sammenstiller resultatene av habitatkartlegging utført av NORCE LFI i Mauseidvassdraget våren 2024. Habitat for laks og sjøørret, og menneskelige inngrep, ble kartlagt på hele anadrom strekning i Mausaelva ... -
Orale lichenoide kontaktlesjoner – en oversikt
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Orale lichenoide kontaktlesjoner forårsaket av odontologiske biomaterialer forekommer relativt sjeldent, men kan gi opphav til betydelige plager hos pasienten. Hovedsakelig er det kvikksølv i amalgam som er årsak til slike ...